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Looking for Mark and Grace, once owned 68 DeVille convertible.

Started by Dale, August 15, 2005, 09:31:07 PM

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I am in Australia and own a 1968 DeVille Convertible purchased from Los Angeles about 6 months ago. It has very unique embroidered car mats with the names "Mark and Grace" stitched into them. Mark and Grace, I would love to hear from you to tell you where this previous pride and joy of yours now lives. Other identifying features of the car are.... Its burgundy, 15" wire wheels with wideband whitewall bias ply tires, burgundy leather trim, white roof. Mark and Grace, where are you?


Michael Stamps 19507


Sure. What would you like to know? There is nothing hidden here!
To get you started... I love this car (that used to be Mark and Graces). I have bought a number of cars from the USA over the last few years, but this one has had the highest quality of work/restoration I have seen in any of them.

I was talking to the guy I bought the car from just a few minutes ago, and he said I was "a goose" because all I needed to do was ask him for Mark and Graces contact info. He has all the details for me... so I suppose I was a bit of a goose!

There is a pic of the car recently listed on your club Photo Page. Its a burgundy 68 convertible.

I will be contacting Mark and Grace over the next few days to let them know what eventually happened to their car, and how much I LOVE it, and the fact that Ill have it until I am no longer of this Earth!

Want to know anything else, Stampie?

Michael Stamps 19507

I saw your pic before seeing your post here.  I was hoping that maybe you had already had contact with them.  Keep us updated.


Michael Stamps 19507

I know a Mark and I knew a Grace but they didnt know each other so I doubt they are the ones you are looking for.



Hi Stampie,
To keep you updated...

I e-mailed Mark and Grace, but I did not hear back from them. I guess since they have never spoken to or heard of me, maybe they thought I was trying to iniciate some sort of scam. Either that, or maybe they just havent checked their mail.

Anyway, it would have been nice to touch base with them and let them know how much I love the car they used to own. Oh well...



Hello Mate,
   Why dont you try emailing them one more time, and in the subject line put "Burgundy 68 deVille" or something to that effect. That should raise their eyebrows in curiosity. You never know, it might work!!!