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It must have been a tough 2900 miles

Started by Doug, January 06, 2006, 07:50:43 PM

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Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Please remind me not to enquuire who the "Professional Restorer" was.

Boy, the owner was ripped off if it was really professionally restored.

The tyres being only "80percent" left means that those 2,900 miles sure were hard miles, and the poor quality of the rear seat upholstery, and badly cracked steering wheel really detracts from any work that was done.   The Engine bay is pretty ordinary.

A case of Buyer Beware.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV


...and theres the cracked drivers window, pitted speedo chrome, worn down rubber on the pedals and rusted dimmer switch, and etc.  I believe the floor-hump speaker housing should be the color of the dash?  But the paint looks nice-:)

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Since when did Cadillac, or a serious restorer, use a cheap Convoluted Radiator Hose?   Even I dont use them, unless it is a real emergency.

Plus, the Left Rear Bumper Bar outlets look pretty corroded to my untrained eye.

Plus, looks like a badly leaking right rear window played havoc with the interior quarter trim.

The Picky Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV


So Bruce, how do you like your 60?  I had one when I was in high school (paid $200 US) and it ran once I got a battery in it.  It was a fleetwood and I drove it across the country and back.  The only problem is it used a quart of trans fluid with each fill up.  Most of the ones I came in contact with had badly sunburned dashes.  I saw this (below) and was amused with the dash material replacement job. . .Doug TARGET=_blank>

Porter 21919

You guys are tough, that is a rare car and they dont draw big bucks.

It will sell for what it is worth, eventually. Maybe $ 15k ?


Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Doug,

I love my 60 CDV, and even though it isnt original, being Right Hand Drive, and it doesnt suffer from the ravages of time as it has been re-upholstered in Leather, the Dashboard is Fibreglass, and it has been garaged for the last 18 years.  

I have had it for 16 of those years, and have undertaken a lot of restorative repairs to make it a safer, and more driver friendly car than when I got it.

Among other things, I have rebuilt the brakes, now Dual Circuit with Vacuum booster, taken out the 454 Chev and TH400 that was in it and put back in a rebuilt 390 and Hydro, and fitted a full Stainless Steel Exhaust System.   Fitting Radial Tyres, and a correct wheel alignment was the best improvement.   Plus, a 880 CCA battery.

The painting and rechroming will be done within the next 10 years, ha ha.

The covering of the dash you highlighted is very similar to what is done over here when a dash is converted to RHD.  The finish on mine gives the appearance of it being vinyl covered.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Doug Houston

We need to be kinder than all this to the seller. I believe that he forgot to tell what power of 10 to multiply the mileage.

Jim Govoni least its painted!  What exactly was restored I wonder?

denise 20352

I like the part about pulling a Carfax report.  Yeah, right.

What caught my eye were the door sill plates, and the seat belts.  I would say that the car had new paint and upholstery, but not professionaly restored.  Still, it is a very beautiful car, and you can bet that the neighbors dont have one.


Dave MacGregor #18998

There is some rust all over the car if you look hard enough.  Besides those places pointed out, I see the trunk latch is rusty as are the bolt heads on the left trunk hinge.  The shot of the chrome on the bumper is very dull and worn, but isnt rusty.

The car looks good and solid to me, but does need a restoration to bring it up to looking restored.  I do like the color of the car and if I had the money and space,etc. I would actually consider the car for what its worth really.



Hi Bruce - was wondering what a 880 CCA battery was?  And was your dash a complete fiberglass formed reproduction?  Doug

Quote from: Bruce Reynolds # 18992Gday Doug,

I love my 60 CDV, and even though it isnt original, being Right Hand Drive, and it doesnt suffer from the ravages of time as it has been re-upholstered in Leather, the Dashboard is Fibreglass, and it has been garaged for the last 18 years.  

I have had it for 16 of those years, and have undertaken a lot of restorative repairs to make it a safer, and more driver friendly car than when I got it.

Among other things, I have rebuilt the brakes, now Dual Circuit with Vacuum booster, taken out the 454 Chev and TH400 that was in it and put back in a rebuilt 390 and Hydro, and fitted a full Stainless Steel Exhaust System.   Fitting Radial Tyres, and a correct wheel alignment was the best improvement.   Plus, a 880 CCA battery.

The painting and rechroming will be done within the next 10 years, ha ha.

The covering of the dash you highlighted is very similar to what is done over here when a dash is converted to RHD.  The finish on mine gives the appearance of it being vinyl covered.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Bruce Reynolds # 18992


The CCA in regards to Batteries is "Cold Cranking Amps".   That means that there is a lot of power available to start the car.   Plus, it is a BIG battery, and the biggest one that I could find that would fit the standard carrier.   Nothing worse than flat batteries after a day of having the radio on and the windows up and down a few times whilst the engine isnt running.

The Fibreglass Dash is a locally made conversion piece that someone must have originally converted a dash, made a mould, and then constructed a few for anyone that wanted a RHD Dash without having to do all the work themselves.

As my car was converted in around 1974ish, and done in New South Wales I think, I wouldnt have a clue where it came from, but it is a good job, and no body would know the difference between an original, and the RHD one.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

John Tozer # 7946