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1938 Bumper guards big or small series

Started by Bob Hoffmann CLC #96, August 24, 2006, 03:37:32 PM

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Bob Hoffmann CLC #96

How do you tell the difference between the big series & small series bumper guards? Thanks in advance, Bob

John Washburn


The larger series, 65 on up, had the bigger and squarer guards. The smaller series including the LaSalle had smaller one which tapered at the bottom.

I can send a picture of the big series ones, off my 38 65 series, 5 passenger limo, but they are old and original. I can also include the smaller series ones as a comparison.

Good Luck

John Washburn
Elizabeth, Colorado

Bob Hoffmann CLC #96

John Washburn


Pictures sent. Was wrong about the taper. Seems both are square, one is just smaller.

Anyone have a bumper guard for a big series? Im one short.

JOhn Washburn
CLC #1067