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Cadillac Rear Drum Spring Help Needed

Started by Vinny, October 10, 2006, 09:06:17 AM

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Since I do not know what it is called, I am going to do my best to describe it.  I have rebuilt the rear end of my 1966 Cadillac DVC.  I removed all the brake hardware and tossed it since it was rusty.  All my new parts cam in from Kanter and I went to work.  However, one spring was not included and I can not find it anywhere for sale.  It is the spring that goes in between the brake shoe and the L shaped lever that sits right on top of the star adjuster.  If anybody knows where to buy one or have two extra handy that they would like to send me, I would be most appreciative!!!

Rhino 21150

Sounds like the boneyard is your only hope. The spring should fit any of the GM full size cars. Just for grins, check NAPA, some stores have a rack full of springs hanging where you can look. Close will probably do fine. Ask for help, those guys can amaze you sometimes.

Rob Kranenburg


I know, it sounds kind-of obvious, but check eBay. I regularly see auctions just for those springs for my 65 caddy (brake hardware kit and all that), so Im guessing theyll list them for yours too... Last time was maybe a month, 6 weeks ago.


BillKaufman 15225


As Rhino suggested,  I always take the old spring to NAPA and match it up with something that will work. You will be surprised at the selection of sizes and styles.Good Luck.
