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Harmonic Balance

Started by Doug Watson, October 05, 2006, 10:29:38 PM

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Doug Watson


I am rebuilding a 1964 Cadillac Superior Hearse.  It has a 429, but needs a harmonic balancer.  Also, it is a commercial chassis that needs a fuel tank and some front bumper parts. Any ideas?  Thanks alot.  Doug Watson

Chris McBride

If you havent already, you may wish to check at the 1963-64 cadillac community.  A number of the members there also sell parts.  The group also had a links page to various vendors. TARGET=_blank>

Several posts at that site recently addressed harmonic balancers.  One poster recommended TARGET=_blank>

as a rebuilder for harmonic balancers.  I have not used this vendor and have no other information concerning him.

What bumper parts do you need?  If you need the lower bumper buckets, then youre not alone ...


Chris McBride

Doug Watson

Thanks for the great information.  I sent my harmonic balancer off to the rebuilder in Oregon.  Should have it back next week, $120.00 with postage.  Yeah, I need both buckets and the front center bar.  Going through a total rebuild.

Chris McBride


The center bars appear fairly regularly on ebay; the bumper buckets less regularly.

The center bars are generally not outrageously expensive.

Many 64 owners glady settle for core buckets and get em replated.  The cores, however, are often difficult to obtain.

Several bumper parts are on ebay now but, again, I dont know the vendors et cet.  The rechromed passenger side bucket has a $200 starting bid (!!) TARGET=_blank>

a drivers core has a $20 starting bid: TARGET=_blank>

both will probably go up

what is your general geographic location?  Im in Phoenix - although the summer temperatures are brutal, we at least have well-preserved metal parts (interiors are a different story!)


Chris McBride

Doug Watson

Thank for all the information.  I am in Wichita, Kansas.  It seems like all the tornadoes we have picked up all the 64 cadillacs and displaced them in other parts of the country!

My buckets have some rust on the bottom,,,I wonder if I should try to find a re-chrome place around here first to see what they would suggest.  Thanks again for the info Chris.  Doug