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Oven Cleaner, Brilliant!

Started by Morgan Murphy, #17409, October 08, 2006, 12:13:38 AM

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Morgan Murphy, #17409

Thats a super-smart one.  Ill give it a try tomorrow.  Thanks for the savvy tip.


......and no matter how cheap or expensive it is, they all work great so find the least expensive ones.
Dr. Nasser,

Tom Hall 7485

Oven cleaner may discolor stainless steel and some bare metals that have been lightly plated or anodized, so dont put it where you dont want it.

Mike Josephic #3877

I agree.  I would not recommend anyone use oven cleaner for
this purpose.  It will remove paint, harm many metals
aluminum, coper, brass) and is highly corrosive to human
skin.  For those who dont know, its basically lye
(sodium hydroxide) with some perfume and a detergent added.
My advise is DONT.  Use plain dishwasing liquid, a brush
and some elbo grease.  For heavy buildups, use some kerosene and a rag and soak overnight. Then do the dishwasing treatment.
Mike. (The Chemical Guru)

Rhino 21150

Whats wrong with good old engine cleaner in a squirt can? Leave it on overnight and use a pressure nozzle on the hose. I am assuming the car doesnt move currently or I would suggest using the same cleaner and go to the nearest coin operated car wash. Hot water under pressure with a bit of soap. You can even use this to clean an old stove or refrigerator sitting on the back of a pickup. The car wash filters and reuses the water so you dont even need to worry about dirtying the environment.

Mike Josephic #3877

The only thing wrong with that stuff in the squirt can you mention is it doesnt work very well.  I know, Ive used it years ago and results were at best mixed.  Its nothing more than an emulsion of a kerosene type oil with detergent.  
Making your own stuff as mentioned in the previous post is cheaper, better, Mike