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1941 parts for sale

Started by yachtflame, September 10, 2011, 10:27:52 AM

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 I have many parts for a 1941 Cadillac. Rear fenders, fender spears, rear light/fuel fill unit, fuel tube, fuel pump, generators, front grill, pan for under grill, lots of rubber parts, rocker trim, headlight rims and a very nice front bumper. It's not quite show condition as it has a couple of pits but it would be good for a 95 point car or fantastic for a user car.
Call me at 413-549-0386 or email me at

Wayne Elsworth
CLC #17075

Calvin Jones CLC # 18955

Do yoy have 41 fender skirts?  Calvin 310-213-9413


Wayne Elsworth
CLC #17075