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Road Trip to Texas/ Anyone else taken the ol Caddy for a long trip?

Started by 52Cadillac, August 17, 2012, 08:52:19 AM

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Just wondering about other Caddy owners who've made a cross country trek in their old Cadillac. What car, How far, Any breakdowns, funny stuff, pics, etc. :)
Me, well we left SC Weds in the 52 convertible, and have made it to Shreveport so far. Onward to Dallas. Only one mishap so far with the old girl. The power steering pumps pulley split in two. Belt came off, etc. That's when I discovered/remembered there should be two belts.  ::)Hehe. It seems the previous owner never intended to take her for a cross country drive. He rigged to accommodate one belt. So we installed just the alt to water pump belt. Now seeking pulley. Most likely at Honest Johns when we reach my folks place. Id post a couple of pics but my IPad wont let me. Technology, hocus pocus  :'(
(Helping combat injured Marines)


Right.  Stop at John's place and tell him I said hello.  He's out in the middle of nowhere an could use a visitor.  I'd bet money that he'll have what you need.  You might want to spray down with some OFF or something like that.  When I was out there in April I got about 60 chigger bites.  Good luck on your trip.  We'll be putting the transmission back in the 41 this weekend, come on by if you decide to come down I35 on your way back.  Better keep the top up.  We're actually expecting rain this weekend.  We sure need it.
Ken Karrer 1941 6227D coupe (512-626-7268 cell)

Walter Youshock

In '02, I took the '57 back "home" to Detroit for the Grand National.  It was a life goal with the car.  Outside of the battery being old and not holding a good charge, we made it there and back without incident.  Biggest fears are getting caught in the rain with vacuum wipers or hitting a bad patch of road with bias tires OR having to make a panic stop at 65 mph.

Honestly, most of my biggest breakdowns have been within 100 miles of home.  And most happened AFTER the Detroit trip!  Almost like the car had the same goal--to go back home.
CLC #11959 (Life)
1957 Coupe deVille
1991 Brougham

TMoore - NTCLC

M. Reynolds -

If you have the pleasure of staying in the Dallas area for the week, you should join the annual Bug Tussle Trek on Saturday the 25th - about 150 antique cars will meet in Farmersville (N. of McKinney) and then meander the back roads up to Bug Tussle, TX, have lunch in Honey Grove and drive in to Paris, TX for an overnight stay then a watermelon bust on Sunday.  Sponsored by AACA, many of the local CLC members will be attending.

Lots of fun along the way, and your car would sure be welcome -


Ok, glitch at Hotel this AM. Had to send starter off to be rebuilt. Should be done anytime for reinstall. Solenoid was broken by shop we had replace the belt yesterday. Guy said oh this wire on starter is loose, I'll tighten it. It wouldn't start after that until it was removed and engine turned then reinstalled. He tightened it to tight and broke the post on inside. Numbnut mechanic. Well lo and behold Martin Auto Electric actually had one for my starter. So shortly will be road bound soon.

Thanks for the info Ken. Appreciate it.

Very nice Walt. May have to attend a GN one year. Just missed the one close to home that was in Jax.

TMoore we will most likely be heading back on Weds or so. Would love to attend, but other obligations prevent it. We have the Concours De Elegance in Hilton Head Isl. SC in November, and we will be checking it out. Come on over for a visit.
(Helping combat injured Marines)

Walter Youshock

Nice thing about a GN is people like to caravan which makes it safer and more enjoyable.  Then there's seeing several hundred other old Cads and LaSalles all over the hotel parking lot and driving around town exploring.

Put a GN on your agenda.

If it's exercise for the car you crave, the Driving Tours can't be beat.
CLC #11959 (Life)
1957 Coupe deVille
1991 Brougham

Jay Friedman

Lots of CLCers drive their Cadillacs on long trips: to Grand Nationals, on Driving Tours and anywhere else.  These include some as old as the '30s and I even knew of 2 cars of the '20s driven fairly long distances.  I've driven my '49 on more than a dozen long trips, as far away from my home in Georgia as Maine and Texas with only 1 breakdown.  Most noteworthy was the late Frand DeCou, who was well known in the club for driving his '40 LaSalle to many Grand Nationals as far away from his Chicago area home as Rhode Island and California.

Obviously your Cad must be in good condition so go through it before leaving.  It's also a good idea to take along the most critical spare parts and tools as well as your CLC Membership Directory. 
1949 Cadillac 6107 Club Coupe
1932 Ford V8 Phaeton (restored, not a rod).  Sold
Decatur, Georgia
CLC # 3210, since 1984
"If it won't work, get a bigger hammer."


Ok, we had another glitch that could have caused a catastrophic fire. I looked at my Gal and said Damn that smells like a Yellawood factory. About that time I noticed smoke coming out from under dash. Pulled over very quickly, and a shorted wire was completely melted for about 7in length. Quickly sorted it out, and hit the road again. All the Texas highway patrolman wanted to know is how much do one of those costs(the caddy).  We managed to skirt the storms and rolled into my folks place around 10pm. What a long day. I tell the kids ya just gotta roll with the punches. It will all work out in the end.

Anyone know of a decent mechanic near Allen, Tx (Fairview, Tx, Heritage Ranch) area? I want to install my rebuilt water pump and I don't think folks work on their own cars at Heritage Ranch. Hehe.

Maybe in 2013 Walt. I read somewhere its in Boston. I generally like a little breathing room with the car when I'm driving. We shall see.

Jay where can I find the member directory? I did carry some tools, and a few parts, such as a rebuilt water pump I need,to install before heading back home to Texas. Yes she was in great drive able condition. We bought her about six weeks ago. I planned on this trip before even knowing which car we would take. Luckily for me the big guy was watching over me in regards to the starter, and folks involved.
(Helping combat injured Marines)

Jay Friedman

The Cadillac LaSalle Club sends its International Membership Directory to all members, usually at the beginning of the year in January.  If  you've recently joined, you might want to contact the CLC office in Columbus OH and ask for one.
1949 Cadillac 6107 Club Coupe
1932 Ford V8 Phaeton (restored, not a rod).  Sold
Decatur, Georgia
CLC # 3210, since 1984
"If it won't work, get a bigger hammer."


Get in touch with John Foust (Honest John's Caddy Corner) up in Justin.  He may be able to help you directly or at least help with a referral.  He knows lots of people up that way. His number is :940-648-3330.  Check the website for a 1-888 number.  John's a great guy and was with us at GN this year.
Ken Karrer 1941 6227D coupe


Thanks, Jay, I'll contact CLC on Monday.
Ken, I called Honest Johns. No answer, may be closed on Sats. Sent an email with my parts request this am. Thanks, Mike
(Helping combat injured Marines)


i did a 4700 mile 14 day trip in my 62 caddy this june
of those 14 days the car sat idle at disney in florida for 5 of those days
i went from detroit,to dallas ,orlando and back to detroit stopping at the nationals in st augustine

my car ran absolutely flawless with only a qt of oil being added 1/2 at a time and a loose sunvisor, and most of that came out the breather because of sustained over 80 mph driving

i did go through the car prety well before my trip as i am a mechanic by trade

i have added disc brakes and the car will stop hard and fast so i do not need the extra envelope of safety i required with the stock drum brakes and changed the generator for an alternator for more power ,reliability and safety knowing it is not as likely as a generator to cause a fire

good luck on the trip and my hat goes off to you for taking that great car for a little joyride
i know of people with a 2 yr old car that have much more trouble than you with their car on a trip, and a new car is generally more expensive and involved to repair, specially at the side of a road or hotel parking lot

you will find the car will run much better when you get home, they all need some excercise like that and work much better after they get to stretch their legs

enjoy the journey
remember getting there is most of the fun and small issues make the trip more memorable

when i was in texas this june, i did notice a huge old car  junkyard just north of the airport i believe, they may be able to help also
sorry dont have the name or address but im sure the locals can lead you to it
if not i know a 62 guy in the area that knows where it is

The Tassie Devil(le)

Good to read that you are enjoying your car Mike.

I did the "Road Trip" in 2002 to the Dearborn, MI. GN and travelled 14,750 Miles (19750 Pictures) around USA in a 89 Thunderbird V6 (purchased in Orange County), as I couldn't find a '72 Eldo Convertible to drive, and that trip was just beautiful.   Even wrote a book on that one.

Then in 2008 I got my '72 Eldorado Convertible (purchased off Ebay in NY) and did the Cherry hill, NJ. GN from Detroit (towed there by a CLC Member and his wife on their way home from Hershey) all the way up to Prince Edward Island and back to Auburn, NY. (4,600 Miles), then put the car into a container and sent her home.

Then this year, drove up to Toowoomba in Queensland for the Aussie CLC Rally, and back home (6,300 Kilometers), through rain and floods.

In 2014, we will be going to Margaret River in Western Australia for the Aussie CLC Rally, then back home via Darwin.   Haven't worked out the distance yet, but will be driving around Australia.

I love Road Trips.

Bruce. >:D
'72 Eldorado Convertible (LHD)
'70 Ranchero Squire (RHD)
'74 Chris Craft Gull Wing (SH)
'02 VX Series II Holden Commodore SS Sedan
(Past President Modified Chapter)

Past Cars of significance - to me
1935 Ford 3 Window Coupe
1936 Ford 5 Window Coupe
1937 Chevrolet Sports Coupe
1955 Chevrolet Convertible
1959 Ford Fairlane Ranch Wagon
1960 Cadillac CDV
1972 Cadillac Eldorado Coupe


Wow you guys really put the miles on the rubber. Road trips I tell the kiddos, most of the fun is in the journey not the destination. Hell I've had more troubles with my motorcycles then this Caddy. They weren't near as old.
A breakdown is just an opportunity to meet more people. Learn more things about your car. My issues being on the road are non issues in the overall scheme of life. that's another cool thing about the Caddy you'll meet people you would've never gotten to meet otherwise. This car is an instant ice breaker with folks from all walks of life. 
Enjoying the cool weather here in Dallas. Today  :-X we take the ol girl in to Goodyear to have me replace the water pump. There are several nearby. I think ill use the one on Eldorado Parkway. My brain is gravitating towards that one. No independent shop available nearby. Haven't had good luck with the franchise shops. Firestone mech stole tire jack from the 52 shortly after purchased the ol girl. Should be simple enough job for Goodyear.
Then buy a temperature gun, and take my own readings. I will shall we say rub it in severely with my Mechnic if that does the trick
Hey I've asked my mech if a water pump can operate marginally at low to no speed. He said no it either works or doesn't. I've since asked another member he says yes it can. What say you? can the H2O pump work basically at moving speeds only? It's too uncomfortable for me to watch the guage climb another 20-30 degrees while sitting in traffic, and hearing my mech in my head saying its not overheating? BS. I think they did more to convince me it wasn't a problem then working on the problem. I know otherwise, and will kiss his ring finger (no I dont kiss tailbone) if I'm wrong. Will find out today if pump replacement did the trick.
We head back Weds am, stop for a  rear window upgrade. Apparently after 12 hours 2 weekends ago in atlanta area shop we discovered no window kit will work in the rears. However the hydraulics on the regulator can be replaced with a linear actuator. Supposedly will bolt right into it. So On the way home well stop in for them to be fitted. Cool if it works. They were pricey.
Monday or Tues heading over to Honest Johns see what's up. Will try the other Junkyard N of Dalls as well. Anyone know of any other caddy junkyards to hit up on the way home? Most likely going back down 20E.
BRUCE my 12 year old is Bryce. I often mistype his name when texting him or about him. You already know the last name. So naturally Ive call him  Bruce on occasion for the tease effect.hehe ;D
Semper Fi
(Helping combat injured Marines)

The Tassie Devil(le)

G'day Mike,

The Water Pump is there to circulate the water, and has to be turning as these systems weren't designed to operate as a simple thermo-syphon type.

Don't have it turning, and you will cook the engine.

Bruce. >:D 

'72 Eldorado Convertible (LHD)
'70 Ranchero Squire (RHD)
'74 Chris Craft Gull Wing (SH)
'02 VX Series II Holden Commodore SS Sedan
(Past President Modified Chapter)

Past Cars of significance - to me
1935 Ford 3 Window Coupe
1936 Ford 5 Window Coupe
1937 Chevrolet Sports Coupe
1955 Chevrolet Convertible
1959 Ford Fairlane Ranch Wagon
1960 Cadillac CDV
1972 Cadillac Eldorado Coupe

"Cadillac Kid" Greg Surfas 15364

We sometimes tend to forget that when these cars were new it was a real common custom for new owners to go (by train usually) to Detroit from either coast (or in between) to pick up their new car from the factory. They would then explore America's byways on a long and leisurely trip home.  Cadillacs were made to be road cars, and if in reasonably good state of repair still are.
With nothing other than an oil change and a tune up (was due) we took my wife's '76 Coupe deVille from San Antonio to the GN in St. Augustine (and back, 2700 miles) this year.  Stopped in some places and visited with friends along the way there and back. Never missed a beat mechanically and it was like traveling on a living room sofa.  It seems that we couldn't stop for gas , food, or just a rest stop without people admiring the car, and that was a real kick in itself.
I just sold myn '66 to a fellow in Southern England, and seriously, it there was a road "over the pond" the car could have been driven.
Keep em in good condition and they can reward your efforts.
Cadillac Kid-Greg Surfas
Director Modified Chapter CLC
CLC #15364
66 Coupe deVille (now gone to the UK)
72 Eldo Cpe  (now cruising the sands in Quatar)
73 Coupe deVille
75 Coupe deElegance
76 Coupe deVille
79 Coupe de ville with "Paris" (pick up) option and 472 motor
514 inch motor now in '73-


Cross-Country road trips in my '61??? Hummm...

The day I bought it in Carlsbad, New Mexico, I began the first cross-country road trip, driving it back to Virginia. The minor issues were all results of years of neglect, and were easily remedied once I began the restoration.

The next trip was from Virginia to Daytona, Florida, for the Turkey Run gathering. No problems except a lug nut that got loose and rattled inside the hubcap.

Many, many, many short (100 mile or less) trips.

Many moderate trips - Cumberland, Maryland, Charlotte, North Carolina, New Bern, North Carolina, etc... Few problems, none unsurmountable.

2008, drove it from Virginia to Cherry Hill, New Jersey, for the Grand National. No Problems.

2011, drove it to Columbus, Ohio, for the Grand National. No problems.

2012, drove it from Virginia to St Augustine, for the Grand National (1400 mile round trip). Electrical problem after the show, probably my own fault, but CLC members swarmed in to assist and get things right - see the write up "My Grand National Experience" on this forum.

2013, planning to drive to to Boston for the GN. I'm hooked, now, any GN within 1,000 miles is fair game.

It is remarkable how friendships develop, even when you see each other only once a year - isn't that right, "62droptop"? Try to make it to a GN. It does not matter what class you enter, or if you don't even bring the car - just walking through the parking lot and chatting with other members is worthwile.

As others have mentioned, part of the fun is in the journey, where every fuel stop and bathroom break turns into a one-man car show. My daughter kept a tally of all the honks, waves, and thumbs-up we got on the way to Florida in June. Most mechanical issues can be dealt with, and there are ready hands to help if need be. Hope to see you in Boston in 2013.


Jim Eccleston
1961 Coupe de Ville
Senior Crown
DeCou Driving Award x 4


right on Jim,
you meet the greatest people while travelling in an old car

everyone is really friendly too

it seems if you ever have a problem, there is people willing to lend a helping hand however they can,even if it is a lift somewhere

pretty much my whole circle of friends is made up of people i have met in the car world
mostly from my austin mini , but now making some caddy friends too
loving every minute of it

i plan on driving my car to hershey this fall and maybe even out to banff and northern alberta or maybe yosemite next summer


Your right Kid, my Mechanic told me these cars weren't made for the travel I want to do. I disagree, and had forgotten until you brought it up Kid. Thanks for the reminder.

Yes Jim I have met some great folks driving it from Pittsburgh to Savannah, Ga area, then to Texas to visit my sick folks. Took Folks, and my family to the country club last night to the ohhs, ahhhs, and comments of the admiring crowds. It was fun.

Tomorrow we take her to Honest Johns for some mechanny work. Changed my mind on having a franchise replace my water pump. Johns will have the car overnight to figure out the getting hot in traffic concern, and a few other items to sort out. Pickup some needed parts, and pickup car on Weds. Plans are to leave for home Thurs. That may change. I forced the old man to the Dr today.

I'm absolutely still amazed at the crowds, and comments we've gotten since we acquired this car. Love it.
(Helping combat injured Marines)


Dropped the Ol Girl off at Honest Johns yesterday morning. It was like no junkyard I've been to as a kid. Cadillac body parts neatly lined up, bumpers, projects, hearses, ambulances,  etc. It rained the day we dropped her off,so we were a bit reluctant to trudge thru the mud to see it all, but fun none the less.Gave em a wish list. They fixed several things. Word is 220 temp is ok for 331. I pick her up later today. Almost giddy to be getting her back. Over an hour to ride back to my Folks place. Love to drive that car.
(Helping combat injured Marines)