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Mounting wheel covers '46

Started by pcb50, August 27, 2012, 12:10:18 PM

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This method of wheel cover installation is probably known to all owners of forties Cads, but it came as a revelation to me. The wheels on my '46 had not been balanced and owning a wheel balancer, I decided to balance them. These are old repro bias-ply and took an inordinate amount of weight to balance on a computer balancer. Trying to reinstall the wheel covers was a struggle dealing with the tube valve stem. On a hunch, I rotated the wheel till the stem was at 6:00 and the tire was touching the floor so as not to move. By putting the cover over the stem and looking between the cover and the wheel, I could see the realtionshio between the inside snap cover and the clips located around the bolt circle part of the wheel. This allowed me to merely push the cover to the wheel and hand hammer in with two or three hits with my palm. I imagine that the dents all over these original covers were inflicted by angry owners and gas station mechanics fighting these things over the years. If this helps another newbie to these cars I am happy to help. Paul
1946 62 sedan

Bill Ingler #7799

Hi Paul: You are not a true hub cap installer unless you have had a bruised hand or dented a cap trying to keep the opening in the hub cap over the valve stem. I bought a set of valve stem extenders and when I need to put on a cap, I screw on an extender.(pictures below) With the extender on it keeps the cap from moving and allows you to postion the cap equally above the wheel clips for an easier one hit with your hand. Have fun   Bill


Bill, that's one of those "duh, why didn't I think of that" moments. Thanks for sharing. Paul.
1946 62 sedan