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Starting over my 1970 deville

Started by Bobby Rodriguez, March 27, 2013, 11:27:08 PM

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Bobby Rodriguez

This is my car after I hit a bridge,I walked away . Nov 2011 I replace frame sand blasted and painted
It.will post the progress ,

R Schroeder

Wow, Bobby, you have your work cut out for you.
Good that your OK.

Bobby Rodriguez

Here is a look at both cars in the air as I removed the frame's


Wow, lots of work. If I were you I would remove those cinder blocks, and replace them with blocks of wood. Doesn't take much for one of them to crumble.

Gene Beaird

Quote from: aod92 on March 28, 2013, 08:41:59 PM
Wow, lots of work. If I were you I would remove those cinder blocks, and replace them with blocks of wood. Doesn't take much for one of them to crumble.

Indeed, they don't creak a bit before they go, they just go >BOOM< and you're looking at a car that's now 8" lower than it was before, resting there in a cloud of cement dust.  Hopefully no one is under there when that happens.  For safety's sake, please use a different material. 

It looks like a fun, if not daunting, project.   ;D

Gene Beaird,
1968 Calais
1979 Seville
Pearland, Texas
CLC Member No. 29873

Bobby Rodriguez

Yes I saw that and bought 6 ton jack stand, cement  blocks are very dangerous,but thanks for the
Heads up on that.