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Don't quite understand locking out a particular subject

Started by hearn, September 13, 2013, 07:55:01 PM

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Quote from: George K Hashem on September 15, 2013, 07:34:07 PM
No problem all is fine.

I do like the work your doing on the 1959. When your bringing a car back like that modifications are fine. You have multiple issues to deal with and it's a long and difficult process.  I know the issues when looking for parts for these old cars. I spend a lot of time looking.

I do not mind it when you make the car look like the car, just hope you don't chop the roof!  :)

Agreed, all is well. The 59 was complete and original aside from a poor repaint some time in the past.  I intend to keep that car original and drive it as-is for the time being.

My Brougham was all there when I got it, in boxes and it could have been put back together as original. I made the decision to modify the systems in that car but keep it nearly original in appearance. I'm not trying to convince anyone to like it, I am building it for myself and understand most would prefer originality. Just saying that all modified cars are not built equally and the reasoning to upgrade some parts of a car can be applied to others.


I know Big Fins, a good personal friend and a crackerjack mechanic.

He pulled his 390 engine and had the machine shop rebuild it to his specifications and he buttoned it up.
Rebuilt his Jetaway tranny and it works perfectly - unheard off getting it right the first time but since he's a pro what I would expect.

Also has aftermarket AC he installed - a black Cadillac in Florida ? Marone ...... better have AC.

Warning - graphic videos here - view at your own risk. Big Fins 59  62 series sedan. Has been modified ( with reversible modifications and no cutting of factory steel ) to make his ride more drive-able , functional and comfortable.

All jokes aside Big Fins has a real grasp on the old school auto repair - that was his trade. I'm a dinosaur too but auto repair wasn't my trade just a self taught out of necessity ( still is ) and the car hobby.

Bad dude , nobody you want you mess with.  Nice guy mind you but don't want to push him too far.
P. Littlefield

Big Fins

Man Poot. It's a SDV not a Series 62. Trim and options difference.

I'm not sure I want to see what's behind those links.  :(
1976 Eldorado Convertible in Crystal Blue Fire Mist with white interior and top. (Misty Blue)

Past and much missed:
1977 Brougham de Elegance
1976 Eldorado Convertible
1972 Fleetwood Brougham
1971 Sedan de Ville
1970 de Ville Convertible
1969 Fleetwood Brougham
1969 Sedan de Ville
1959 Sedan deVille


WTH do I know about 59 Cadillac's SDV , 62 series or otherwise ?

Funny thing is us posting at this forum.

Go ahead and watch your 59 Cadillac videos, very humorous. Your 15 minutes of fame. That car drives very nice but you already knew that. A museum piece, a dinosaur - 59 Cadillac with the big fins. Can't drive that in public you'll terrorize the citizens with those fins - Cadzilla. Put a tennis ball on the fin to protect the citizens or your car cover.

P. Littlefield