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1978 Cadillac Deville Steering Wheel Woodgrain Trim

Started by m.sullivan, December 28, 2013, 11:53:30 PM

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Does anyone know if the wood grain trim behind the horn button on the steering wheel is still available aftermarket? I saw a company selling that exact trim on ebay last year, and now I can't find it again. Of course, I didn't think to write down the name when I saw it on ebay. Thanks for any help, Mark.


Roy, thank you so much!! I spent 2 hours or more on the internet the other day trying to find that piece of trim. My wife asked me today what I wanted for my birthday next week, and thanks to you, now I know! Your car looks great, by the way. Mine has the same interior, but it is white outside. I see yours only has 21,000 miles. Mine has about 45,000, and my dad gave it to me after buying it new in 1978. Thanks again for your help!!


Roy, your car is beautiful. Did you replace your filler panels in the back, or are they original? My car is back in PA, while I am wintering at my other house in Florida, so I have no photos to show. My car needs paint, but it runs like new, and my interior is as sharp as yours. Where did you get such a sharp low mileage car?

Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

Roy's car is a beauty to be sure.

If you're ever up in the Scranton area, you're welcome to drop by and see mine:

Cheers & Welcome to the forum.
A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute


Eric and Roy, thanks for the warm welcome. Eric, your car is amazing. I know that the rear rigid fillers don't fit exactly right, and adding to that that your car is black, your body man is good, and I assume expensive! I'm curious, with an 18,000 mile car, what was wrong with the air conditioning?


Just a heads up about the reproduction woodgrain.  It may not fit right because the steering wheel has shrunk, which is a contributing cause to it cracking to begin with.  I tried to fit this reproduction on a 78 steering wheel and it would not fit properly.  As stated earlier, the woodgrain isn't an exact match either.

Buy accordingly.

Tim Groves


Tim, did you use the one that Roy did from auto body filler usa? If so, how far off was it? Was it still usable with a little tinkering? I really wanted to order one now, but I won't be back up north where the car is until May, and if it doesn't fit, I wonder if they would let me return it after 5 months. But, I think I would rather take the chance and order it now, in case they run out or quit production due to lack of interest. I'm amazed they don't advertise on this site.

Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

Does the repro part have the staples embedded to set it in the spoke?

Even back in the day I recall having to bend the prongs in order to get them to align with the pinholes - when the applique was still available from the dealer. 
A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute


It's been a few years since I tried one (when they first came out).  If memory serves me right the color was not as rich as the original.  I sold that woodgrain insert to a customer who returned it because he wasn't happy with the fit.  I tried it on an a cracked 78 wheel I had and it did not fit right.  I returned it to the company that makes them.  There is only company that makes the ABS fillers, door panels, etc. even though they sell under several different names.

Personally I would ask them up front if you can return it if it doesn't fit properly.

Tim Groves


Hi Cadillac owners...
I am new member and I am from Switzerland.

Hope it's not too much OT. But I own a '78 Seville Elegante and the wood behind the horn is also broken.
Does anybody know, where I can find a replacement part for that?

Would be so great...
Thank You



I did take a look at autobodyfillersusa already but I did not find that part.  ;)
