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1962 Accessory Tissue Box

Started by Series75, January 17, 2015, 12:03:01 PM

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For sale is the rare Grey Plastic 2 piece tissue box depicted in the 1962 Cadillac Owners Manual Accessory folded booklet.   This one is in good, not perfect shape, both hinges are solid, the decal on the front is a 7 on a 10 scale, 10 being perfect.  Both sides of the top cover have pieces chipped off but doesn't affect hinge operation.   The mounting pin which pierces the trans tunnel carpeting is not available but can be easily made ( I can supply a pic and dimensions ). 
These first appeared and are correct on 1962 cars and used in 1963.    Whats it worth?
Tom CLC#6866.


Another Pic.   Tom CLC#6866


One more Pic.  Tom CLC#6866


last pic.  Tom CLC #6866

russ austin

Not a common item seen in the cars, and even harder to find in a car for sale. Don't think its worth alot, but don't give it away.  Would guess 45.00 as a good start.