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62 Series 75 Fleetwood Limo bought in Reed, Mi or Big Rapids Mi.

Started by James Gray, December 27, 2015, 05:14:49 PM

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James Gray

I am hoping to find the person that purchased my Uncles 1962 Series 75 Fleetwood Limo. Not sure how long ago he sold it but I am assuming somewhere between 5-7 years ago. It needed a lot of work but as best I can tell it was fairly complete. The gentleman who purchased it told Tom he planned to modify it. Of course that broke Toms heart but he already made the sale.
If anyone knows of the car or the person who purchased it sees this post, I'd like to share with Tom what the car looks like now.

Maj. James F Gray Ret.
Kristie Koepplin RN BSN

Member # 28494
1942 Cadillac Series 6269