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Why did Cadillac make the "flat top" cars in '59 & '60?

Started by chrisntam, March 11, 2016, 09:49:33 AM

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Brett Baird

The September 2009 issue of The Self Starter included an interview with Chuck Jordan conducted by Ron VanGelderen.  In the interview, Chuck indicated that Harley Earl was not responsible for the styling of the '59's.  In addition, Mr. Jordan indicated that the reason for the 'flat-top' roof design was "to differentiate the four-door hard-top from the regular sedan....We wanted  a four-door hard-top that had more flair than the normal sedan.  That flat-top design seemed to be the answer."
B Baird
'41 Fleetwood 60 S
'59 Sedan DeVille 6339 "Flat-top"


Quote from: Jason Edge on March 14, 2016, 05:49:57 PM
My question would be Why did they stop making the Flat Tops?!?
My favorite Cadillac of the 1959-1961 Era Period!

That's a fine looking unit.

1970 Deville Convertible 
Dallas, Texas


I don't care why they did it. I'm just glad they did.

390 man

I love the Flat Top look. My garage shows it, I've got one of each model. Model 62, Electra 225, Oldsmobile holiday 98, Pontiac Bonneville in a Chevrolet Impala. It's my thing, Dave.

390 man


Hello Dave,

I love the photo of your '59s.  Were they all originally white?  My first car was a '59 Impala 4-door flat-top, with a red interior.  From your photos, it looks like at least two of the cars have blue or blue-green interiors.  Did you find, or did you reupholster the cars with the same color interiors?

Christopher Winter
Christopher Winter
1967 Sedan DeVille hardtop

390 man

I found these cars this way. They were all white originally. The Cadillac Oldsmobile in Buick all have original Interiors. The Chevrolet and the Pontiac have had new Interiors installed. We are quite colorful especially the Pontiac. Thanks Dave

390 man

I purchase these cars from my man in West Virginia who put this collection together about 20 years ago. He wanted all white. There may have been a better selection of these cars back then. Dave

Brian Laurance

390 Man, it looks like you purchased the Jarrold Murphy collection.  I had wondered what happened to these cars.  Murphy had told me that all the cars were originally white, with the exception of the Pontiac.  The Pontiac was out for engine repairs when he shot these photos several years ago.  Are you located in the USA?

390 man

Yes those are the cars. They are in Michigan now. The cowl tag for the Pontiac shows a paint code of C C. According to my research on the internet that showed a white top with a white body. But yes I was told by the family when they purchased it it was red. Dave

Brian Laurance

Excellent, 390 Man!  And thank you for keeping that wonderful collection intact!

390 man

When I originally drove down it was only to purchase the Cadillac. Buckwild down there I purchase the Impala also. After driving down there 3 times and over-the-phone bargaining back and forth, I ended up with all of them. They were some of the most straightforward and honest people I've ever dealt with. She gave the fact that I wanted to keep the collection together, much bearing in purchasing the cars. Thanks Dave.

Brian Laurance

390 man, I organized a 1959 General Motors Western National Meet last year, and it was a great success.  Some of us would like to plan some future events around the country.  I would like to keep in contact, and, if you are so inclined, please drop me an e-mail at:  brianL  at 

Dave Ventresca

I have noticed on two recent  sales on ebay of 59 flattop Sedan de Villes  had different had a deluxe  front seat and the other one a more standard type. by that I mean the back of the front seat had more chrome and grab handles for rear passengers. was that a n option? Dave

Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

Chances are the plainer version was a Series 62; the other a DeVille (Series 63).
A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute

Richard Sills - CLC #936

When the 1959 GM cars were introduced, those "flat top" cars looked like a space-age design, and that was the hallmark of newness.  The rear window wrapped around so far that there was nothing but glass where most cars had a thick body pillar.  All that glass, combined with the thin cantilevered chrome rear pillars and the thin silhouette of the roof, gave the illusion of a car that was all glass above the beltline.  The six-window cars were more traditional, but a "flat top" GM 4-door hardtop looked unmistakably new and modern.

My grandfather bought a new Oldsmobile flat-top (in Polaris White with red, white and charcoal interior) when the '59s first came out, and it was greatly admired.  I got my driver's license in that car in 1961, and I remember the visibility was terrific, so it was no trouble to "parallel park".  My grandfather wore a suit and a hat every day, and I don't recall any lack of headroom. 

I now have a '59 Cadillac "flat-top" (more accurately, a Series 62 four-window sedan), and I still think the style looks great.


I had the priviledge to evaluate all of Dave's 1959 General Motors automobiles.  He is a wonderful gentleman with a great family.  His FlatTop collection is attractive and money well spent.

390 man

Chuck,I enjoyed your visit. Your knowledge on automobiles, was very enlightening. Thanks Dave


1970 Deville Convertible 
Dallas, Texas

David Greenburg

That is a lot of $$$ for a 4 door.  But maybe it's a special car; it has the "original new built headset" and "complete rebuilt engine seal."  Plus the new "comshaft " and"new built oil pump."  My car doesn't have a headset, and I've never had the engine seal rebuilt.
David Greenburg
'60 Eldorado Seville
'61 Fleetwood Sixty Special