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1981 Brougham D'Elegance + and -'s $3900

Started by BJM, July 30, 2018, 11:22:09 AM

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Even though I am finding some cars outside of Iowa I would prefer, I am just finding TOO MANY in state that it does not make sense to bring them in (with inherent costs) from too far away. 

Right now I have no Cadillacs but a bit of money saved.  I would like to purchase "2" and NO MORE. 

The right mix of sporty - modern - older - is tough.  Here is one that draws consideration.  I like the colors, I would not mind owning a four door, it doesn't bother me with Cadillacs.  I know this has (I think) the ubiquitous 5.0 Olds V8 which I have owned in Buick LeSabres and found to be OK. 

What other pros and cons are there with this 1991 or similar era Cadillac RWD cars? 


One of the reasons I want to consider this car is it covers an era with a broad brush in my opinion. If I own - for instance - a 1969 Fleetwood or nice SdV, is it practically any different visually from a 1991 Cadillac?  In my opinion, not enough.  I know some will disagree, and I DO see the subtle differences between 1969 and 1991 BUT overall, we are talking about conservative 3 box styling. 

That's why I don't see the reason overall to leave the state of Iowa.  Why get a car out of Tennessee (to randomly pick a state) because it's a 1975 Fleetwood - which I moderately appreciate over this 1991) if it costs me quite a chunk to have it delivered and I may not be able to lay eyes on it? 

Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

It's a 1991 which means the 5.0 liter is the Chevrolet 305 FI which replaced the 307 Olds 4 bbl this model year with a significant increase in horsepower.

Asking price seems reasonable from what can be seen. I think the driver's side front bumper is pushed back a bit into the wheel opening area which is easily corrected. Looks like a patch of paint came off the driver side rear door body trim. Interior & seating look nice and the power antenna is retracted and still has the original fender ring which are also good signs.

A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute