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Anyone Know A Lady In California Who Restores Emblems?

Started by carlhungness, June 24, 2019, 05:51:05 PM

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       My friend Karl Kinser had his hubcap and radiator shell emblems for his '37 LaSalle restored by a "lady in California who has had several Pebble Beach winners".
       He had them done many years ago and doesn't have her name.
       Does this ring a bell with anyone? I am seeking a person to restore the same parts and wonder if this lady is still active and if anyone knows her contact info if she happens to still be producing work.
       Her work was superb.


I too was asking after her several years ago to redo the center medallions on the 47 caps.
At that time, I was told by Bob Cooper, who often used her services, that she had retired.
Since she was retired, I did not get her contact info from Bob, because his repeated requests had been turned down.
If you do find another resource, please post the contact information.
Have fun,
Steve B.
S. Butcher


This is from my notes from 12 years ago:

Cloisonné â€" Karla Maxwell, 1130 Cypress Drive, Vista, CA 92084, (760) 941-1966

Is this who you are looking for?

Gene Menne
CLC #474


Gene Menne
CLC #474