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1946-47 Cadillac front disc brakes

Started by jyinger, July 21, 2019, 11:48:46 PM

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Have any of you installed front disc brakes which allow you to keep your original Cadillac wheels?

Thanks Jon Yinger   jyinger1email addresses not permitted
Jon Yinger


I did it on my 62 Cadillac kit said it would not fit 15s. I shaved  a hair off the back of the caliper with a softwheel disc on a grinder. Not sure if it will be the same for your 40s. I found a kit on ebay not sure if its the same as your looking at but i plan on getting it and running 15s. When i get to it.
1947 sedanette
1947 sedan
1946 sedan
1957 coupe deville

TJ Hopland

73 Eldo convert w/FiTech EFI, over 30 years of ownership and counting
Somewhat recently deceased daily drivers, 80 Eldo Diesel & 90 CDV
And other assorted stuff I keep buying for some reason