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Trace my 58 Coupe

Started by Andy Green, May 23, 2020, 12:20:38 PM

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Andy Green

Trace my 58 Coupe
« on: Today at 06:10:40 AM »


Back in April 2016 I bought a lovely 58 Coupe from the USA, I transferred the money for the car. The guy was a restoration guy and seemed very helpful so I asked if he could check the car out and do any repairs needed and I would pay for the work. The motor he said needed a rebuild, I said ok so he took it to another repair shop. This was completed but the repair shop caught fire and my 58 plus others I was told were all totalled. My money was not refunded after numerous excuses as the repair shop was not insured. I now find out from DMV that my car has not been totalled and is owned by someone else. I live in the UK so I am asking for help from anyone who may have this car now. The Vin number is : 586022669 and the car is a 2 door Cadillac coupe which is stock and has manual windows. It was blue with a darker blue roof when I bought it. Can anyone help or give me some ideas who to contact for help? Thanks


Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

You're going to have to contact the police which is local to where the problems began. Only law enforcement can track vehicle ownership by VIN.

Sorry to hear of this and best of luck. 
A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute

Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

Do you have documentation to show you bought the car?? Copy of the title, Bill of sale etc. The cops will want to see them. Then you'll have to declare the car stolen & let them pursue it. 
You'll also have to show them exactly where the frame # is.
Good Luck, Bob
1968 Eldorado slick top ,white/red interior
2015 Holden Ute HSV Maloo red/black interior.
Too much fun is more than you can have.

Andy Green


Thanks for your information, yes it's bad business. Have imported a few cars from the USA and never had problems like this, being so far away does not help at all.


Andy Green


Thanks for your information. This was the first car I had bought from the USA, I kept asking for a bill of sale and never received one, I have a copy of the title which was emailed to me but that's it. I guess I will have to track down the local police dept where the guy lived which is Vegas. Do you think they would be interested in helping me as I live in the UK Bob?



Andy, I live in the UK as well. From what I understand the police in the USA will act on fraud like this. A friend of mine had a similar experience to you with a vintage airstream. The local US police (I don't know which state) found the airstream and impounded it on my friend's behalf. As well as the copy of the title you must have the record of the money transfer? Maybe someone on here in the Las Vegas region can help? Phil

Andy Green

Hi Phil,

That's very good to know that someone has had success in a similar situation, did he get the Airstream or a refund maybe? Gives me a glimmer of hope now, thanks Phil.



He got the airstream. I will contact him later and try and get some details from him about how he went about it. From what I have heard the police in the USA (rightfully) act on things like this, whereas our police would just tell you to go away.


Quote from: PHIL WHYTE CLC 14192 on May 26, 2020, 02:14:55 AM
He got the airstream. I will contact him later and try and get some details from him about how he went about it. From what I have heard the police in the USA (rightfully) act on things like this, whereas our police would just tell you to go away.

Would that be because of the matter of jurisdiction? Since it happened here, not there,  they don't really have any authority to do anything about it I would think. It's up to the police in the area where the crime occurred to do something about it, and it's up to you to notify them of your situation.
That's what I would suggest Andy. I know it's a lot of hassle, but if you want your money back, you really don't have any other options that I can see.
I wish you luck with this.  Take care and be safe.

CLC# 32373
1956 Coupe Deville A/C car "Norma Jean"


In answer to Rick, sorry it's not to do with jurisdiction. The police in the UK will not act in situations like this here in the UK. They will term it a civil, not criminal matter and tell you to take a private court case against the person.

Andy Green


Thanks for you advice and info, I think Phil has answered your question about the police here in the uk.


Well that's great news your buddy getting his Airstream. I would appreciate any info your buddy can give me about reclaiming his vehicle. I am in my 70s so could do with my money back but don't want to get a heart attack trying to get it. I will search for a police dept when I have all my info up to date and hopefully more from you so I thank you in advance.



Andy and Phil,
I didn't realize that you both were in the UK, I guess it didn't sink in when I read Phil's reply. My apologies.

CLC# 32373
1956 Coupe Deville A/C car "Norma Jean"

Andy Green


No problem. It is good to chat with you and thanks for all your advice. I've been to the states a few times and drove the Route 66 when I was 66 from Chicago to LA. Met some lovely people along the way, very helpful and very polite, in fact we were lost and looking at the map trying to find the 66 as sat nav didn't recognise it, and two guys came along in a late 70s Ford pick up and asked us if we were ok. I got out and said we were from the UK and were looking for the 66 and he said he would take us there. We followed him for around 7 miles and pulled over, I got out and shook hands with them both to thank them. You sure wouldn't find that in the UK. Quite sad to get to Santa Monica as it was the end of a great 3 week trip of a lifetime. Just something else off my bucket list Rick.



Quote from: Cadman-iac on May 27, 2020, 03:35:57 AM
Andy and Phil,
I didn't realize that you both were in the UK, I guess it didn't sink in when I read Phil's reply. My apologies.


It is but one more reason to put your LOCATION either in your signature line or on the left under your name.

1970 Deville Convertible 
Dallas, Texas


Andy, I've sent you a PM. Phil

Andy Green


Strange comment I thought. I don't see how important it is where I live, someone still cheated me out of a 58 Coupe that I paid good money for. Apart from that the biggest majority of guys here do not say where they are from either but hey I have nothing to hide, just an honest English guy with many bucks out of pocket. Thanks for your interest.



you will need a paper trail from you to the payee copy of title means nothing unless it was in same name you sent funds to


He said in his first post that he transferred the money, there's a "paper"trail plus email correspondence and probably the original advert/auction. Phil


in his post all he indicated was transfer of funds not what if any paperwork existed
as for copy of title the vin in his post is a not hit going back at least 10 years


He said that the car shows on the DMV records with that VIN number. To be honest, why are you bothering to comment? The guy has been ripped off and you seem to  be taking great pleasure in telling him to take it on the chin.