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‘75 Eldorado Accelerator cable

Started by benji808, June 25, 2022, 06:10:36 PM

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One of the plastic tabs that hold the cable on the engine bracket broke off (looks like PO tried to glue it back), and so it doesn't sit in the correct spot. I may try a universal option, but let me know if you have one, and/or know a way to fix


Despite scouring the internet, I was unable to locate a used or NOS OEM cable. I took a chance on ATP part number Y-612, which was advertised as being 32" long, matching my original cable. It was in stock on Amazon. Took a few days to arrive, and was about 34" long. However, with some modification (I used the original pedal clip, as the new cable's clip required a slit in the pedal circle, and shaved off some of the edges of the firewall clip so that it would fit) it appears to be working.

Still interested in OEM if someone finds one, but this seems to work for now!