
Please note that, while reinstating users, I have noticed that a significant majority have not yet entered a Security (Secret) Question & Answer in their forum profile. This is necessary for a self-service (quick) password reset, if needed in the future. Please add the Q&A in your profile as soon as possible

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FORUM RULES - Please read before posting

Started by Stefan Bartelski, October 07, 2022, 10:42:30 AM

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Stefan Bartelski

While not a Forum rule, we strongly advise against using your email address as username. While this may be convenient for you, it is also convenient for SPAMMERS, who like to harvest email addresses.

Please note that if you are a CLC member, your username and password at the main site and membership do not automatically carry over to this site. New users will need to create both again at this site. You may use the same username, if available, and password, or not, as you please.

CLC Forum Rules
This Message Forum is to be used to advance the purposes of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club, which are to develop, publish and exchange information pertaining to Cadillacs and LaSalles,
to encourage the maintenance, preservation and restoration of Cadillacs and LaSalles, and to promote social fellowship among Club members.

Rules for posting messages in the forum:
  • Membership of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club is required to register and post in this forum. If you are not a member, please sign up at
  • A username is required for registration and is the default displayed name.  It can be any unoffensive name the member chooses that is not already in use.
  • CLC membership number is required for registration and is displayed for identification.
  • The use of offensive words in any profile fields (e.g., Username, Title, Signature) is not permitted.
  • Ads are permitted relating to Cadillac or LaSalle cars, parts and literature only.
  • It is recommended all vehicle ads state an asking price and location.
  • No disparaging remarks or personal attacks against fellow forum members, club members, club directors & officers, forum moderators, or any business will be tolerated.  Discussion threads containing such remarks will be removed and may result in the loss of the poster's privilege to post on the CLC Forums.
  • No disparaging remarks against CLC judging results from Cadillac & LaSalle Club events.
  • Any post requesting a fee for providing information will be removed from the Forum and referred to our commercial advertising manager.
  • No posting of pictures of nude males or females, or persons in lewd or suggestive poses, regardless of whether the individual is adjacent to a Cadillac or LaSalle.  This will subject the poster to removal of that post and their privilege to post on the CLC Forums.
  • Posts containing political or religious comment or content will be subject to removal of the whole post, including subsequent posts quoting the original issue.
  • All pictures of cars must feature the Cadillac or LaSalle as the prominent vehicle. All other images, as in parts, tools, information etc. must be pertinent to Cadillac and LaSalle, with the message text directly indicating that is Cadillac or LaSalle related.
  • Multiple infractions of the above rules will result in a warning, followed by removal from the forums if infractions continue to occur.
  • All decisions relating to compliance or non-compliance with these rules shall be made in the sole discretion of the appointed moderators of the CLC Forum.
Stefan Bartelski