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restoring my 1947 Fleetwood

Started by ANTONIO PUJANTE, December 06, 2022, 06:32:13 AM

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need the 5 trims on the left and right side of where the roof ends at the rear, these measure about 20 centimeters or 8 inches approximately, they are chrome and there are 5 pieces on each side of the roof, if anyone knows or has to sell, I would appreciate your information

I also need the 4 door moldings that are near the windows, I have those of a 1947 61 cadi that I bought for spare parts but they don't fit me, they are shorter than those of a Fleetwood
a greeting


The 4 moldings you speak of,  there the ones at the top of the door? How long are they? I have multiple doors off 46 and 47 Cadillacs series 62.
1947 sedanette
1947 sedan
1946 sedan
1957 coupe deville