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Wheres The Ark?

Started by Cadillac Jack 82, March 29, 2024, 01:14:47 AM

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Mike Baillargeon #15848

Is there an over and under on whether the Ark will be at Gettysburg?

I hope she makes it there.....alot of effort has gone into that car....




Hello Mike. On her FB page she said in unflattering terms, that she was no longer attending-though initially had made all the necessary plans to do so. Too bad, as it should all be about Cadillac and personal differences put aside. My understanding is that currently she no longer plans to attend. Clay/Lexi


Here are my thoughts, we spend time & money to gain folks to join this organization. We get a person interested enough to join the National club, then most likely they also become a member of a region and support both local & National events, some come with knowledge and some come with questions about the cars they own. It's hard enough to go out and find individuals willing to support our hobby much less our club. Yes, Laurie was a little vocal in some of her post with a certain person on this forum and he had an issue with her comments. She was a member who shared her excitement of owning her Cadillac and shared it with all of us, some great times with her car and some not so happy events with it. Many were entertained by her posts and maybe a few got tired of her comments, but one thing about her she told it like it was. Like anything else, if you don't like what you're reading, just scroll on by, move on to the next subject. They are certain people on this form or may I say in charge of monitoring what is posted that gets "butt hurt" if something they disagree with is directed at them. Not everyone is going to agree with what's posted on this forum and not every moderator is going to agree with a members post. As a Director of a region, I here all to many times why members don't renew their membership with the National club and by not renewing their membership we then loose a regional member who no longer has an interest in the club. As a region, we bust our ass to promote the club, we are most likely the first they encounter about wanting to join for fellowship but to do so they must become a national member. With that being said think twice about how you respond to certain issues because your actions also affect the memberships of the local regions. We know how exciting Laurie was about attending local regional events and the GN in Gettysburg in June and sadly you won't see her or the Cadillac that she is so proud of, and no she was not a member of my region just my thoughts on how this situation was handled.
1949 Cadillac 4DR Sedan
1952 Cadillac Convertible
1953 Cadillac Coupe deVille
1958 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood

Jason Edge

Quote from: druby on April 16, 2024, 07:49:22 AMI say in charge of monitoring what is posted that gets "butt hurt" if something they disagree with is directed at them.
Dan, the bottom line was Laurie broke just about every rule we have repeatedly, and the wrath seen publicly posted was the tip of the iceburg, compared to the wrath the moderators and other CLC officials received privately. And just to be clear, she was not removed from the club, she was suspended from the forum for 90 days, plenty of time to cool off before the Grand National (I wanted to see her Cadillac, too!), and consider the rules she had broken. If anyone was "butt hurt" as you put it, it was Laurie.

One final thing I have to say: There was a LOT of discussion behind the scenes on this subject by Many, including ALL moderators, President, Exec VP, VP IT, and the the Executive Board. I would normally not reply on behind the scenes matters, but we all know that when we just assume something without digging into facts, there is often a lot more than what meets the eye. We did not take this matter lightly and there was a lot of time and effort expended by dedicated members behind the scenes.
Respectfully, Jason

Jason Edge
Lifetime Member
Exec Vice President
1963/64 Cadillac Chapter Director -
Carolina Region Webmaster -
CLC MRC Benefactor
email -
1964 Coupe DeVille - Sierra Gold -
2002 Escalade EXT - Black
2013 Escalade EXT Premium Edition - Xenon Blue
2022 XT5 Luxury Premium - Dark Moon Blue Metallic


Unfortunately on her FB page she made a number of unsavory comments about us all, as well as mocking aspects of CLC members in general. It was not just about Bruce, (he was the lightning rod), but about the entire organization. While I could provide details, suffice to say that most disturbing was that some of her FB comments did not make any sense whatsover. They were illogical, and carried no weight. I always liked Laurie, but she clearly has issues that are not compatible with those of our Club. As the noted quotation goes: "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time". Clay/Lexi


Jason, slowly and surely members are falling out of this club, I'm not going to bicker back and forth or debate you over an issue I have with the club, you always seem to get the last words in  and are always correct. As for some of the moderators on the form I appreciate what they do and as far as Lexi's remark about Laurie's FB page that's her business what she puts out on her page and why would you search her page to see what's on there other than to report back to members and stir the pot, what's on her own wall is her own damn business ! I'm  sure if you had the authority you would suspend her FB account. Losing just one member has a trickle down effect, losing a national member means losing a regional member and possibly a chapter member as well. I was asked to join the national board awhile back by Ronnie Hux and I had to decline because I speak my mind and tell it like it is and his remark to me was "that's the kind of people we need". To me, there are too many ego's on the National level and I respect a few so I remain an officer on a regional level. The things I'm told & hear on a regional level don't make it to the national level because people are afraid to speak up or address their complaints to a national board members or afraid of being shut down. Out of respect for the rules & bylaws in this club and on this Fourm I have to bite my tongue or I'll be the next on banned. My question is, where do you think this club will be in 10 years based on the the rate members are dropping out verses new members joining in, younger members stepping up ?
1949 Cadillac 4DR Sedan
1952 Cadillac Convertible
1953 Cadillac Coupe deVille
1958 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood


Quote from: druby on April 16, 2024, 11:25:49 AMI was asked to join the national board awhile back by Ronnie Hux and I had to decline because I speak my mind and tell it like it is and his remark to me was "that's the kind of people we need". 


I agree with Ronnie; put your name out for the next election.

Most Boards consist of too many yes-men following the leader, 'going with the flow', not wanting to draw attention to themselves. The CLC Board needs people who will point out something that may be obvious to them but perhaps not everyone else.

After this year's election there should be at least a few new names and faces at Board meetings.  Hopefully they won't hesitate to say what's on their mind, offer new ideas, look at something in a different way, share an opinion and show up here on the Forum for real time member opinions and suggestions. 
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.


Quote from: druby on April 16, 2024, 11:25:49 far as Lexi's remark about Laurie's FB page that's her business what she puts out on her page and why would you search her page to see what's on there other than to report back to members and stir the pot...

Not stirring the pot. If that was my intent I would have expanded on my comments. Just putting things into perspective and balance, as Jason did. And no, I would not ban her FB account. Laurie has a lot of supporters on this site, who may be wondering if the CLC is the bogeyman? While I would like to meet Laurie and see her car someday as we have a lot in common; I do not agree with the issues she has with the CLC. Club matters should be about Cadillac cars and membership fraternity. So if Laurie is reading this; I miss your Forum presence and hopefully we can hook up someday and chat Cadillac and (especially music). If we can't agree on CLC organization matters then we will have to limit our discussions to other areas of interest. Hope she does well with respect to her future endeavours. As for falling CLC membership, that matter is far more complex and cyclical, and is likely something that neither Laurie nor I could remedy. Clay/Lexi

Jason Edge

Quote from: druby on April 16, 2024, 11:25:49 AMMy question is, where do you think this club will be in 10 years based on the the rate members are dropping out verses new members joining in, younger members stepping up ?
Dan, you asked the question and I will respond as honestly as I can. I think we have a real potential for growth if we play our cards right ... and it has nothing to do with 1 person in 12,000 online forum members that had to be temporarily suspended for breaking the rules.

Consider the following:
Print memberships for all clubs, and print subscriptions from everything from newspapers to magazines to other periodicals continue to fall. In fact due to printing, shipping and publications costs many magazines are going all digital. Last month out of the blue I received a note on the front of my This Old House Magazine stating this was the last print issue and that I needed to roll over my account to an online only account ... which I did. 

- While the CLC's overall membership #'s have gradually declined, we are seeing a steady increase in e-memberships ... in fact just passing the 1000 mark. I still like my print copy of the Self-Starter and some will never go the e-membership only route, but we will all need to make that choice of whether or not it is worth it to pay that increasing price to print and ship a Self-Starter.  I do think price for printing and shipping will only go up and if our club remains solvent our prices will have to go up.. and that is where we have to make that choice.

- Finally, There are hundreds of free Facebook, Instagram, X forums out there where anyone can just sign up and post away and interact... to a certain level. I am a member of several dozen Facebook groups, but you know what... they don't have Grand Nationals, They don't have National Driving Tours, They don't have Regions and Chapters where we can physically come together and show off our cars. They don't get a Self-Starter Magazine, electronically or otherwise. They don't have an International Directory with thousands of other members that we can contact for help, or just chit chat over the phone about our cars, or over a beer at the next region meet-up. There is so much more to being a CLC member than just a member of one of these social media groups and that is what we need to sell to all potential members and let them know about our benefits:

I think our future is very bright ... if we let the thousands of potential members know, we have a club of real people, that do real things, and they can be part of our great club for only $25.

So, in 10 years, to be as honest as I can, I think we can easily have 10,000 to 20,000 or more online members. Realistically, I am not sure about print memberships. I hope it holds steady, but a lot of that depends on cost and member attitudes.

Jason Edge
Lifetime Member
Exec Vice President
1963/64 Cadillac Chapter Director -
Carolina Region Webmaster -
CLC MRC Benefactor
email -
1964 Coupe DeVille - Sierra Gold -
2002 Escalade EXT - Black
2013 Escalade EXT Premium Edition - Xenon Blue
2022 XT5 Luxury Premium - Dark Moon Blue Metallic


I think that in ten years it might be difficult to find anyone who has even heard of a LaSalle.
Even now not many people care about cars older than the 50s. The interest will be more about cars in the 60s-90s.
Cars older than the 50s are not really practical to drive and enjoy. 

Jason Edge

Quote from: badpoints on April 16, 2024, 04:14:23 PMI think that in ten years it might be difficult to find anyone who has even heard of a LaSalle.
Even now not many people care about cars older than the 50s. The interest will be more about cars in the 60s-90s.
Cars older than the 50s are not really practical to drive and enjoy. 
All car clubs are niche groups, and there is always only going to be a certain smaller % of the general population that want to be a car club member.  My last report shows the CLC has 5,762 members, with E-memberships up to 1,026. With that in mind the Studebaker club has almost 10,000 members. Studebaker have not been around since 1963, or over 60 years!.  I don't expect millions of people to want to sign up to the CLC, but I know there is still a large untapped demographic that would surely pay $25 for the benefits our club affords.

I will give you an example of where we can expand --> Chapters. They are not confined to geographical constraints, and thru the connectivity of the internet we can come together instantly electronically. This is one reason I started the 63/64 Cadillac Chapter. which is currently up to about 400 members from 40 states, and 15 countries... not bragging ... well OK just a little. :-)

I really do think we have big potential here and have been encouraged by the new 59/60 Chapter. (Check out their website at There are other Chapters just waiting to happen. As someone else recently pointed out to me, pull up your Directory and see how many Escalades are owned by members. An Escalade Chapter is waiting to happen, and begging for someone to step up and take the lead. (As an owner of a 2002 and 2013 EXT, I will proudly sign up as a Charter Member).

The bottom line is we are quibbling over the loss of a couple thousand print membership-level members. The potential is huge if we look beyond that and consider the other avenues for growth. Back to Studebaker with its 9000+ members, the CLC has a big advantage in that the Cadillac Brand has been around from 1902 to 2024, and Yes I see people putting down the newer Cadillacs, but there are folks like me that are just as proud to still be driving around in their 2002 EXT as their 1964 Coupe de Ville ... well almost!
Jason Edge
Lifetime Member
Exec Vice President
1963/64 Cadillac Chapter Director -
Carolina Region Webmaster -
CLC MRC Benefactor
email -
1964 Coupe DeVille - Sierra Gold -
2002 Escalade EXT - Black
2013 Escalade EXT Premium Edition - Xenon Blue
2022 XT5 Luxury Premium - Dark Moon Blue Metallic


All good points. A long time CLC member once told me that "Old cars are memories". That makes a lot of sense, as it does with so many other collectibles. As most other brands usually out sold Cadillac due to price point, there were often fewer Caddies on the road. That means fewer owners, fewer memories and years later a smaller "gene" pool in which to draw from. Other factors further complicate things, collectors aging out, tight economic times, space for parking, parts availability, etc. That said, I agree that there is still an untapped market. The interest our cars generate at shows is phenomenal. Clay/Lexi

Cadillac Jack 82

At the last show more people looked at the 64 Cadillac than they did the 66 Oldsmobile...even though the 66 is immaculate.

CLC Member #30850

1959 Cadillac CDV "Shelley"
1966 Oldsmobile Toronado "Sienna"

Past Cars

1937 LaSalle Cpe
1940 Chevrolet Cpe
1941 Ford 11Y
1954 Buick 48D
1955 Cadillac CDV
1955 Packard Clipper
1957 Cadillac Series 62
1962 VW Bug
1962 Dodge 880
1964 Cadillac SDV
1966 Mercury Montclair
1967 Buick Wildcat Convertible
1968 Chevy Chevelle SS
1968 Plymouth Barracuda
1977 Lincoln MKV


1949 Cadillac 4DR Sedan
1952 Cadillac Convertible
1953 Cadillac Coupe deVille
1958 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood

James Landi

Lots of constructive conversations here, and thinking about the greater good regarding mission, benefits, and growing membership.  My only additional thought references several comments about Lexi's "Old cars are memories" point.  Many of the new members' memories will be of Cadillacs from the 80's and NEWER.  From the 80's on, Cadillacs are far more complicated, require  more technical expertise of computer integration, etc.  SO: Attending  to the ownership and preservation needs of potential CLub members who are in their early sixties with fond memories of dad's 1988 Cadillac will involve another layer of benefits for those folks, especially in the areas of technical support.   James


I have good luck with nice people at restaurants and gas stations.
People in their 70s and 80s always comment that a vintage Caddy reminds them of a lost loved one or a family road trip. I always take time out to talk.
Younger folks just want a gander and a photo...they cant believe GM made cars like that back in the day.
Lifetime CLC


Quote from: jwwseville60 on April 17, 2024, 08:17:01 AMI have good luck with nice people at restaurants and gas stations.
People in their 70s and 80s always comment that a vintage Caddy reminds them of a lost loved one or a family road trip. I always take time out to talk.
Younger folks just want a gander and a photo...they cant believe GM made cars like that back in the day.

John I see that you are associated with a wide range of Cadillacs from various years. What Cadillac of yours has that effect on the younger people that "...they can't believe GM made cars like that"? Which one in your fleet gets the most attention? Clay/Lexi


My vote is the 1959 SDV
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.

Cadillac Jack 82

59 CDV for sure.

CLC Member #30850

1959 Cadillac CDV "Shelley"
1966 Oldsmobile Toronado "Sienna"

Past Cars

1937 LaSalle Cpe
1940 Chevrolet Cpe
1941 Ford 11Y
1954 Buick 48D
1955 Cadillac CDV
1955 Packard Clipper
1957 Cadillac Series 62
1962 VW Bug
1962 Dodge 880
1964 Cadillac SDV
1966 Mercury Montclair
1967 Buick Wildcat Convertible
1968 Chevy Chevelle SS
1968 Plymouth Barracuda
1977 Lincoln MKV


Quote from: Jason Edge on April 16, 2024, 06:18:58 PMAll car clubs are niche groups, and there is always only going to be a certain smaller % of the general population that want to be a car club member.

I don't expect millions of people to want to sign up to the CLC, but I know there is still a large untapped demographic that would surely pay $25 for the benefits our club affords.

The bottom line is we are quibbling over the loss of a couple thousand print membership-level members. The potential is huge if we look beyond that and consider the other avenues for growth.

I would go further and suggest CLC members 'sponsor' a new member by paying for their first year membership.  We recently gifted an electronic membership to a younger Cadillac-finatic friend and hopefully he is enjoying his membership. He currently owns a Ford Retractable but his dream car is a 1957 Eldorado convertible. With a wedding planned for this year and likely children to follow in the next few years, it might be a while before his dream is fulfilled but always good to keep an eye on the goal. 

Also planning to gift a membership to another friend. He can well afford CLC dues but has never followed through with joining. We're hoping once he sees the Self Starter magazine, reads the articles, sees show results, member stories, etc. that might be the impetus for him to continue as a CLC member after his gift year ends. 

When Lauren Schweitzer Cody was previously living and involved with the Vegas Region, she was an amazing resource for ideas and suggestions how to connect with Cadillac dealers and owners / drivers of 'new' Cadillacs.  The easiest opportunity is for members / Regions / Chapters to interact with the Dealers and try to get them involved with their group even if it is as simple as them providing newsletters, membership applications, event schedules or coordinating an event with the Dealer. 

Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.