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Sauls Autotek?

Started by mgbeda, April 28, 2024, 04:45:48 PM

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Hi folks in Colorado.   Does anyone have experience with Saul's Autotek in Denver?  I'm considering hiring them to finish the restoration of Bessie. The main reason is they have a picture of a beautiful '71 Fleetwood on their website.   It's difficult for me to find information because I'm working on California now.  Feel free to PM me if you prefer.

Thanks very much,

-Mike Beda
-Mike Beda
CLC #24610
1976 Sedan DeVille (Bessie)

71 Fleetwood

Hi Mike - Sorry for the slow response.  I bought a '71 Fleetwood from Bring a Trailer in April 2021.  It arrived in May 2021.  I took the car right away to the emissions test station, where it failed so I took it to Saul's at the old location.  They treated me fine and the cost was okay for a points, plugs, timing job.  They replaced the spark plug wires with the only set available (yeah, Covid) which did the job but I replaced with correct. 

I didn't know that Saul's does restoration.  I have stuff that still needs attention - fuel lines, a/c, so if you do proceed with Bessie any feedback would be appreciated.

1971 Fleetwood Sixty Special Brougham


Hi Richard.   Your response is helpful, and not as slow as my decision is.  I think Saul's has only recently expanded into full restoration, as I can't find any mention of this in their many reviews.  Interestingly they have a picture of your gorgeous Fleetwood on their website, which is part of the reason I contacted them. Thanks for the info!
-Mike Beda
CLC #24610
1976 Sedan DeVille (Bessie)

71 Fleetwood

Hi Mike - Okay, I flipped the script.  I emailed Saul and got a call back right away.  Saul says they do a ton of classics. 

What I'll do is get my car there in the next few weeks.  I'm planning fuel work which is hopefully pretty straight-forward.

1971 Fleetwood Sixty Special Brougham