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57 Flletwood right hand wiper arm

Started by Andy Green, April 29, 2024, 07:05:08 AM

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Andy Green

Has anyone got a cam-O-matic right hand wiper arm for my 57 Fleetwood please. Thanks, Andy


I may have one in my pile of wiper arms. What kind of condition are you looking for?
-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean

Andy Green

Hi Dan, thanks for your msg, it would be good to have a really nice one. I have the car for sale over here but I need another right hand arm. If you find a pretty good one can you post a photo please? Many thanks, Andy


I have not forgotten about this. I should be able to look at the wiper arms in the next few days and provide photos of what I have available.
-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean

Andy Green


I was able to find a pair of wiper arms but they're in rough shape, chrome is bad and missing the plastic for the cam. You might have better luck on eBay.
-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean

Andy Green

Hi Dan, thanks for looking for me and for coming back. I was told about a guy in the UK that had some so I have bought those, they look in good shape on the photos but they haven't arrived yet. Have a good day when you pick this up. Andy


That is good news Andy, I am happy to hear that. Hopefully they arrive the same condition as seen.
-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean