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Password reset functionality

Started by Stefan Bartelski (CLC Webmaster), May 16, 2024, 03:55:03 PM

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Stefan Bartelski (CLC Webmaster)

While reinstating the users that had forgotten to update their forum profile with their CLC number in the correct field, I have noticed that many of you have still not filled in the Security (Secret) Question and Answer. This information is required to make a self-service (quick) password reset.

I have had feedback that the option to use email for the reset is not reliable, probably because of spammer filtering at many big email providers. Our forum emails actually come from a different server than where our normal email service is housed, and too many systems see that as possible spam.

Please make the relevant update to your forum profile, it will make your life much simpler if you need to reset your password in the future.

Stefan Bartelski