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1979 40k Coupe DeVille for sale

Started by 70DeVille, May 24, 2024, 02:08:30 PM

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Excellent 1979 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, 60k miles, excellent condition, triple yellow.
93 Additional High Resolution shots:
Any reasonable offer accepted.
Please note: apologies for the Heading Error. It is a 60k documented miles car.

James Landi

The '77 through '79 were likely the Cadillac division's effort to produce downsized  cars that were bullet proof. My wife and I owned 3 well used FLorida cars during the mid 80's, and ran them many miles, without any substantive failures,  until we simply wanted a newer style (4100's, 83-85 were a serious challenge for us).  If we were in the market, this would be a very sensible purchase. James


Thanks for the kind words. You've responded to a number of my 1970 Cadillac listings. This one was a bit out of my wheelhouse, but I couldn't resist due to its condition and very striking color combo (not for everyone, but certainly a period piece). Always liked Colonial Yellow. Had two 1969 Convertibles (previously posted), one Double White, one Double Black. Love the color. Enjoy your comments.