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-is this fine Caddy a 39 ? or 41 as stated ?

Started by Robt.Vonheck via SanDiego Calif., January 14, 2005, 12:45:03 AM

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Robt.Vonheck via SanDiego Calif.

-heres a left-click link to a beau. believed 39/V16-Cadillac conv.-coupe, --yet since the 49Cad.-Limo. looks outwardly all the world like a 47Cad.Limo., --am wondering if theve just got this photo mislabled, or is this really a 1941/Cad. V16-coupe ? ~Bob vH  [ TARGET=_blank> ]

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

All 135 degree flathead V-16s (known as Series 90 Sixteens) for the 1938-1940 model years are very similar, differing only in exterior trim details and having a different instrument panel (the same as the corresponding year V-8 cars)for each of the three years. This appears to be a 40-9067 Sixteen Convertible Coupe because of the fully-chromed front fender parking lights and front bumper design. Production of the V-16s stopped in December of 1939 with 51 cars and 10 engines not assigned to cars having been produced for the 1940 model year; there were no 1941 Sixteens and all 41 Cadillacs from the 61 to the 75 used the 346 CID V-8 engine.