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57/58 Brougham hubcaps

Started by Bob Hoffmann CLC#96, April 14, 2005, 10:53:10 PM

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Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

 Is there any difference between 57 & 58 hubcaps? If so,how do you tell them apart? Thanks, bob

Roger A. Zimmermann # 21015

According to the Brougham parts book, the hubcap is the same for 57 & 58, as well as the medallion. The hubcap is specific to the Brougham, the medallion is identical to 1957 Cadillac models.


Bob - Are there any member numbers ahead of yours or are you one of the original founding fathers?


Bob Hoffmann CLC# 96

Hi Pat, thanks for asking. There are a number of people that joined the club before me. I joined in the early 60s. I am a charter member of the Northern California region. I wish I was one of the founding fathers. Regards, Bob

Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

Barry Wheeler #2189

One year , the Club decided to assign #s as members renewed. I renewed late so I got a relatively high 2189, but I had been a member since 1964. (And still am not one of the founding fathers. I think BCA assigned #s at the start, so their numbers do reflect longevity in the Club. Their # 2 had the 41 convertible sedan in the movie Pearl Harbor.

Michael / Denmark CLC#21905

Hi,just wanted to now if some could answer this:On some early the Broughams have Sabre spokes on,where they discharged for the prod. model??

Roger A. Zimmermann # 21015

The pictures you are speaking about are prototypes. The regular Brougham have another wheel construction, more complicated than the sabre wheels: the rim is steel, the wheel is chromed aluminum, there is a hub riveted to the wheel and made of chromed pot metal. On top, there is the hubcap and medallion...


Yann Saunders, CLC#12588

I have pictures of a number of Broughams with the cast alloy, so-called sabre-spoke wheels of the regular Eldorados built from 1956-1958. Whether or not these were factory-installed is debatable but I guess a buyer COULD order his Brougham with the sabre wheels in lieu of the turbine-blades.