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Started by S. B. Bank, June 01, 2005, 02:00:21 PM

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S. B. Bank

Does anyone know what the paint color should be on this car?

Cadillac Div. General Motors
04C Detroit, Michigan
Style 61-6267 Body FW 11215
Trim 21 Paint SO 11215
This car finished with Magic Mirror
Acrylic lacquer
Body by Fisher

Frank #12944

Hard to say what color as your data plate shows it to have been a "special order" as denoted by the "so" followed by the body #
Black top and black interior for sure.
My 61 Coupe has an "so" interior with body # by merit it was full leather ordered.
Your best bet it to identify the color based on the firewall or under the sill moldings. Could possibly have been special ordered with a prior year color as was possible back then.
Good luck!