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Dixon Cadillac in the 50s

Started by Charles D. Barnette #1465, June 08, 2005, 05:17:52 PM

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Charles D. Barnette #1465

Is there a member of the Club who worked for or with Clarence Dixon Cadillac in Hollywood, California, in the mid 50s. If so I need to know about the 1953 Cadillac LeMans show car that was delivered there with the GM notation "sent to Clarence Dixon for H. Earl" on 7-7-54. (This is not to be confused with the 53 LeMans that came much later when Dixon Cadillac was owned by Mr. Goodman.) Was the car displayed there for a short time and then released back to GM or was the car sold to Mr. Clarence Dixon and then resold to the famous Harry Karl? Any information on this would be helpful including what color the car was when it arrived. Thanks, Charles D. Barnette