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Grundy Insurance

Started by Virgl Perkins, June 14, 2005, 12:13:15 AM

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Virgl Perkins

I seem to remember a post discussing GRUNDY INSURANCE somewhile back, but I have been unable to locate it, so this may be a repetitive request. Does anyone have eperience with GRUNDY, of any kind, that they will shsre? Any information would be appreciated, either on the forum or e-mailed to me direct. Thanks, VP

Brian Rachlin

I have had excellent experience with Grundy.  Low rates, liberal as far as what they will cover, and when I had a small claim ($2500.00) they were right there with a check.

Great agency, insurance carrier is Chubb, a very large highly rated company.

Good Luck,



Same experience, ditto that

Dick Heller

Chubb Insurance Company of NJ writes policies for Grundy

Grundy Worldwide
PO BOX 1957
HORSHAM PA 19044-6957


Virgil Perkins

THANK YOU all for the feed back AND overlooking my spelling errors. Will have to start using spell check.