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Why was my post pulled?

Started by Jerry, June 16, 2005, 10:53:44 PM

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Why was my post about the Shaull Cadillac dealership in PA removed?  I thought it was important to tell fellow CLC members and friends that the dealership which had so long been a fixture in PA was no more.

I came back later the next day to see if anyone had any reactions, memories, etc., to post, and the post was gone!


Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Jerry,

Probably pulled because the CIA or the FBI are probably going to build an underground listening device there.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

wm Link

Michael Stamps 19507

If you go here: TARGET=_blank>

You will see the first rule is:

All messages must be signed with proper name (no "handles").

If I remember correctly you posted it without using your real name.


PS - Stampie is not a handle, it is a nickname given to me in the Air Force and what I go by to all my friends.