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"Marvs car

Started by Bob Hoffmann CLC #96, January 21, 2006, 08:03:17 PM

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Bob Hoffmann CLC #96

Has "Marvs" car run through yet???

Chris Arneson

Hes 1562 and they are on about 1300.  The highest lot number is 1600, so this car will be on near the end sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

Thanks. I thought he was on Sat. Late Sun. is a BAD time. Im sure it will not help the final price. Bob

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Everybody will have run out of money by then.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Steve Cole #22466

I actually doubt it will even make the broadcast tomorrow. Theyre only showing 4 hours of coverage tomorrow and they still probably have another 200 Corvettes yet to show... :)

Chris Arneson #22170

10 cars to go, it should make the TV coverage probably sometime early in the 5 oclock hour....

Steve Cole #22466

It wasnt on Speeds coverage. The timing in the order placed it on the block during a commercial break. It sold for $59,400.

Joe Abernathy #17524

Guess he should have taken the $150,000 he was supposedly offered on eBay.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Greed got the better of him, and both the seller and the buyer suffered.

Maybe the buyer will convert it back to an original 60 series 62 Convertible and toss out that stupid TV set.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

Maybe hell think twice about building another one. Bob

Porter 21919

Who in their right mind would want that silly car anyway ?

Marv is the shyster extraordinaire, a great source of comedy here for the past few years.

Very evasive with info about his cars and they run on eBay many times before they are sold, always with an outrageous "buy it now" price.

He probably made money on his fake Motoroma car anyway.


Yann Saunders, 12588

Gita and I sat through the final hour of the SPEED TV broadcast, only to have the "Marv" car sale blocked out by some stupid advertising.

I understand a sale WAS made ...but the car "only" reached the "paltry" sum of $59K+, in comparison to Marvs estimate (wishful thinking)of $1 million !

At the very end of the broadcast there is a short birds eye view down into the cockpit of the car that I will try to upload in the next half hour.  Wait for it.

Meanwhile, I invite all CLC members who have been participating in the Forum discussion about this car, to send "Marv" a consolatory eMail, wishing him better luck (...and a more plausible story) next time.

Yann Saunders, 12588

Sorry for poor results.  I tried to photograph the TV screen with a digital camera.  Nevertheless, you can see the "glove-box" door open, that hides the B&W TV : TARGET=_blank> TARGET=_blank>

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gee Yann,

I wonder if Marv paid for the advertising to be slotted in when his car was going under the dammer.

The Devious Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Yann Saunders, 12588

I sent this to "Marv" a few minutes ago []

Hey "Marv",

Just saw the results of the BJ auction. Man, you should have accepted the best of the "private" bids you got on eBay.

By my calculation, $167K is better than $59K, although I do admit that its way far less than the MILLION dollars you told my friend it would cost if he wanted to buy it !

Better luck next time - if possible with a more plausible story and some more reliable "witnesses".

Lou 19028

I would not be surprised if he bought it himself. It would have cost him about $9000 with the commission from both ends... In his mind he probably figures it was worth the shot. Stand by for this car to be back on the market soon.

dale jackson

   I wish I could saw it at the auction going thru . I guess the speed channel was embrassed to show it on tv. I see speed channel saying in auction. This what they should have said.

  Strange car with back seat out from coupe, incorrcet engine detailing, Its strange recreation of 1960 cadillac thats not correct. Cheap restore work etc but good driver car for entry level 59/60 convertible.

  This year they real nice 1960 serois 62 grey convertible go 79000. It was nice car for sure. Not messed  up an factory incorrect car like marv car.

 I did see barret jackson never ran his car at prime time with top or best cars out there. They ran marv car in entry level cheap cars section of the auction. Before all the peaple sent email etc to Barret jackson auction. Marve or auction company may have tryed or run it Saturady night with primetime cars like consept cars etc and expensive cars.

 I guess the auction company inpectors and stuff went over is phony paperwork and car saw it an car made from of parts after inspecting it. It was amazing his car even was sold barret jackson since they looked at over 8000 cars in usa. They chose 1100 cars totol. They high strards to look at.

 The real cars out on saturday like consept cars etc went lots money from harley earl. They 1953 green pontic that harley eral made and big bus. That 1964 grey pontic Mark 7 etc that looked like 1968 corvette was good buy at 200000 since it was real factory built car from gm. I would have bought that 64 pontic since it was cheap good buy compared to the other cars.It went cheap compared 2.8 million for 1953 and bus for 4.1 million.

  I guess I feel bad for the new ownor of marv cars. I would feel bad  If Is car was an  1960 coupe that  was converted to an convertible without replacing the frame uder the body. Coupe frames are weeker and dont have braces etc for convertible junk. Without proper frame the body will flex etc. Who knows If even has an 1959 convertible proper frame. On ebay I called marv he said that body was never removed from its chassis. I hope  he lied on that one for new ownoer sake.

 I guess new ownoer knows it was rebody or vin swap, or parts car rebuilt. The guy just might drive and enjoy it and could care  less about all its stuff etc.

 I guess it goes to show you from that sale. There are smart peaple in world and con guys in the world. who  try anything to make an doller.  Marvs car receation car lost and good honest peaple won the race and marv lost.

  I hoped marv learned dont try sale fake cars or con peaple etc like he did with receation car. Peaple will research it and contact barret jackason and do what ever they have to  the truth out in world.

 Thanks to Cadillac club members, Yann, Joe, The man who talked barret jackson etc. We proved it wrong and the car an another person did not riped off etc. The cadillac club saved the day etc.

  One last thing Marv if you reading this . Sorry but Joke is on you crooked car dealer. Marv You could done beter job tryng convince the cadillac experts . We saw your lines and paperwork incorrect restore work on car. You should stop selling cadillacs since that 1960/59 cadillac is not onley we have seen you sold an Say your junk 1964 red eldo last year with junk paint job on wooden dash.

   Dale jackson

dale jackson


  You should send him link to all the post in last serval monlths on fake car.

 It may freek him out knowing what peaple been saying about him and fake car.

 We have posted so much on fake car , Like his fake ebay auction, Barret jackson post, Marv cars post, Like all other 4 or 5 posts or formus.

 It may  freek him out and make him change crooked bussiess practices or lied or whatever.

 I dont know what he do aftering reading  all these post about him and hs car.

  Dale jackson

Yann Saunders, 12588

I agree, Lou.  Look for it at Miami Beach, FL, in the spring.  Marv has his "museum" there.

Yann Saunders, 12588

Here is "Marv"s reply to my eMail [Paul also sent one but as yet has not had a reply]:

<<<<<  I guess you didnt see the 4 other cars I sold here for almost 2 million dollars or the 8 cars I bought at Barrett Jackson or the 4 at Russo Steele...

I would never, ever sell this car for $55,000...I bought it back and paid the 16percent total commission....and I am not the least bit upset.

I really get a kick out of guys like you......I had a
blast out here...and you got to  watch it on TV...LOL >>>>>

This guy is SICK! What a disaster for the hobby.