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"Marvs car

Started by Bob Hoffmann CLC #96, January 21, 2006, 08:03:17 PM

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dale jackson


 For what I see He dont care about those cars etc.

  He does what tons car dealers do. He buys cars cheap as he can and pay guys to fix them cheap as possible. To him its all about makeing lots money each year. If car is incorrect or riged just good to resell who cares aslong makes money is his idea on the cars.

 I been around guys like him before. They dont care just money. I have seen them repack and remove lights for air bags atfter an an bad crash. Spray paint outside agaiset lawv since they dont want spend money for paint booth. Or Rig wheels with jb weld becides replacing them after wreck. 90 weight oil  to hide bad engines in cars .I used work for crooked car dealer once. He was snake but learned how the bad dealers fix junk and rip peaple off.

 Marv and most car dealers Just look at money or turning an profit and dont care if car junk or good. I learned this hobby is full con guys etc snakes.
 Even at bodyshops or restore shops etc. Example an restore shop ripped off and destroyed an 1960 cadillac eldo I am trying rebuild in spare time. They took the seller money and turned the car in totol basket case striped down hull.

 In the old car hobby there an lot crooked dealers, restore shops etc , auto repair shops. I learned you have on gaurd on the all time agaiset bad peaple. If truth the world is full of them.

  You said marv bought his car back. Reason he said that or did it is was. The bidders at auction could see problems or incorrect stuff, low grade junk on car.  Back seat incorrect etc etc. Most peaple going spend 55000 on an old vintage cadillac are going inspect car before auction and look at it and compare to other cadillacs before they buy it.

 Example an 1960 cadillac grey convertible at same auction sold for 80k . It was correct and they spent 80k on the restore. It sold for higher price no problem. It was not even an eldo. It was nice.

 I dont know for sure if marv bought that red car back. If He did he may try pawn it off again or he just said that to say he did not lose money etc. Since is dealership is full of cars etc.  Its been his promtion car or bait car to get peaple buy his others cars etc.

 Ow well the hobby is full of bad guys , snakes etc, money hungry guys etc. Aslong as cars bring lots money etc . It always be like that.

  Its sad but thats way goes.

denise 20352

> I guess the speed channel was embrassed to show it on tv.

   That was exactly what I was thinking as I was watching the auction.


Matt V16

   I am just reading this today and I do not know who this guy is.. Also, what car is his.. What did I miss? I would like an update.. Thanks.

Yann Saunders, 12588

In brief,  "Marv" [Marvin Friedman?] is a used car salesman in Florida. He tried three times to sell a Cadillac on eBay that he described, variously, as "The 1959 GM Motorama Car", a unique "GM Design Experiment from Harley Earls skunk works", "The first 1960 Cadillac (prototype}" being a 1959 Cadillac with a 1960 body, "The first car with working TV in the dash" [like Cadillac would ever consider endangering the life of people who buy/drive their cars!]

If we can believe the eBay auction results, he had "private" bids up to $177K; but these were not enough, it seems, to meet his reserve [according to Paul, on this forum, he wanted a "mere" MILLION bucks for his "unique" car].  

Most of us here spotted a fake.

Having had no luck on eBay, he took the car to BJs annual venue in Scottsdale, this month. The car was knocked down on Sunday for a "mere" $59.4K (a FAR throw from the MILLION "Marv" says its worth, and certainly miles behind most cars that actually were sold at the auction!) Marv says [but can we believe ANYTHING he says or any of his (paid?) witnesses?] that he bought the car "back" himself.  Does that mean there were NO real bidders at all? He had to pay both the buyer and seller commissions as well as the local sales tax. An EXPENSIVE weekend in Arizona!  But does he care? Not a bit. He portrays himself as a billionnaire!

Like I said in an earlier posting.  Look for this car again at BJs Palm Beach auction, FL, this spring! It appears "Marv" will stop at NOTHING to make a dishonest buck.

Matt V16

    Now I get it.. I never knew of this guy or his car until now.. I wonder how I missed this one? Thanks Yann. As always, your a nice person.  Does anyone have photos of this million dollar car?

Michael Stamps 19507

You know I have a question about the "recreation" listing by BJ.  What does this car recreate?  There was no 60 body on a 59 frame with a TV in the dash made by Cadillac.

My 2 Cents,

Craig Perrotty #15706

I just read on the BJ website that Marvs car did $59,400 including the buyers premium. They listed it as a 1959 series 62 "recreation". I was at the auction a couple of days last week, and I must say pictures dont do this car justice as far as how bad the car is in person. It was a really bad example, I cant imagine what he was thinking on this car! Not many Caddys out at BJ, but saw a beautiful 1960 series 62 convt silver w/red int, the car did $85,000.

Joseph Meneghin

I find it interesting that this car bought 25percent less than the silver 60 convertible.  Marv also touted how over $100k was spent on the restoration of this car, yet even by the photos online show that the work on this car is amatuer at best.  The underhood photos were not impressive, for $100k restoration you would think he could have replaced the air cleaner. Granted my work will not be of the best quality, but Im doing all the work here in my garage on a budget, and it isnt a $100k budget either.

I still find it difficult to believe that Barrett_Jackson let this thing be auctioned as a 1959.  

Its a hack car, would not be surprised at all if this was a 60 convertible, that had a bent or severly rusted frame.  Somebody thru the body on a 59 frame, probably not even a convertible frame which is thicker, and to cover up this cars awful history, came up with the experimental/motorama/first car with a tv story.

denise 20352

   Was this television powered by 12v, or does it run off of the "inverter in the dash"?

   ...because as far as I know, there were no DC-powered televisions in 1959, nor were there inverters that went in cars.

   Has anyone asked Marv that question?


Rhino 21150

If this car was built in 1959 with the TV in the dash (not likely) it probably had an extension cord running it while it was motionless. In the intervening years Marv could have put a cheap inverter in it (likely) so it runs all the time. It could have been installed in the dash originally because it wouldnt have worked in motion. Really a bad idea but that isnt unusual.
Even less likely, but possible: a 120 volt generator. A 120 volt TV of the time would work on AC or DC, the tubes didnt care.

Mike #19861

 Some time in the starting 60s, the commercial Delcotron had a 120VAC takeoff which powered the electrical accessories in CC cars such as ambulances. That could have easily powered that TV, but this car obviously was never equipped with that either.
