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Worth $20.00? CADILLAC ELDORADO 1964 -1978 CAR COVER

Started by Dick Heller, January 28, 2006, 04:33:27 PM

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Fred Garfield 22310

Thanks, Rhino, you are the man! AutoZone and Pep Boys are both on my route here in the SF east bay.

Fred Garfield 22310

Best thing to feed a charging bear is an RPG and some VX gas. Did you see that online video of the Canadian guy demonstrating his "bear-proof suit"?

Rhino 21150

I have searched the net for a proper fitting cover. They are just too expensive if they fit a 1938. They are either an ill fitting sack that needs replacing every two years or are customs. Ouch! So I investigated fabrics to make one. Sunbrella is the stuff to buy says almost everyone. Comes in a bunch of colors and patterns. Spring isnt here yet so I guess the girlfriends sewing machine gets a workout soon until it arrives. If only the girlfriend would get the same workout instead of me....


I noticed over at the Walmart, my second home, that they have these contraptions that are more or less a quansit hut or tent type cover for your RV or air craft carrier.  Have you considered something along these lines?  Doug