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Late 70s early 80s engines and trans

Started by TJH #20664, August 07, 2006, 11:00:59 AM

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TJH #20664

As usual this weekend I saw another caddy for sale I dont need.  Its a bit on the overpriced side so I think Im just going to keep an eye on it for now but it did get me wondering.

so the easy stuff first...
60s there was the THM400 and the 429 and the THM425 in the 67 eldo

68 we got the 472  and kept the 400 and 425

70 we got the 500 also and kept the 400/425

76 seville had the oldsEFI with a thm350? no lockup?

77,78 we got the 425 did the 400 stay?

now the messy parts:

79,80 we got the new smaller eldo with the thm325 no lockup yet? what were the engine choices for the eldo?  The big cars had the 425 or the diesel what trans? were there 425s in 80? or was that the 368 4bbl? was there a EFI option still?

81  seville becomes a 4 door eldo with a smushed trunk? The thm325 gets a lock up?   The big cars have the option of the rare 4bbl 368, the TBI (oh sorry, its DEFI) 8-6-4, the buick 3.8/231 tweaked up to a 250/4.1 4bbl, or the infamous olds diesel... I would assume all of those came with the thm200 with a lock up? except maybe the comercial chassis?   did the 864 have a lock up and the rest didnt?

(since we are not talking about chevys with cad interiors we wont even mention the cimmaron)

82-85 the 4100 is rushed into production and except for a few diesels and the rare 368(4bbl?) in a CC we all get 4100 with thm200r4 (or 4r)?  Did the CCs get a thm350? Does the eldo/seville thm325 stay or get an OD or just lock up? or did it get the transverse treatment early? I assume one of the diffs in the transverse 4100s vs the regular ones was the regular ones had the standard BuickOldsPontiac trans mounts?

86-   the rwd gets the thm200r4 with the olds 307  the rest of the line gets the transverse version of the 700 with an overdrive which went in all the full size fwd gm cars?

and after that things mellow a least until they decide to do the cimmaron trick with the suvs

Anyone fill in or confirm the question marks? Anything I missed? Anything not correct?  Any other thoughts on that early 80 era?



StPaul/Mpls MN USA
73 eldo convert

Tod - North TX CLC

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that my 1979 Seville has the THM 400 with the Olds 350 EFI engine.

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

The 76 Seville did have the Oldsmobile 350 with Bendix multi-port injection, but had the real deal THM400 (no torque converter lockup like all THM400s) just like the big Cadillacs with the 500 that year, not the THM325.

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Youre right, Tod, it does as do all first-generation 76-79 Sevilles.

TJH 20664

I have seen some info on engines somewhere before but there does not seem to be much on transmissions.  Most of my info is based on what I have seen or what others have said. I have never been close to a Seville.

So it would seem that the RWDs all had the THM400s with till 81 when the buick v6 was an option?  The V6 came with the 200r4? as did the 4100s? And that was the first time we saw lock up? Or/when  did the 325s have/get a lock up on the eldo/sev?

I have seen on parts lists that there was a Electronic Spark Control HEI distributor without the extra pickup for the bendix EFI system listed for the 1980 368.  If thats true does that mean it had a computer controled carb and the ESC or was it and early defi TBI? or something totally differnt? Maybe something for high altitude or calif emissions?


Tod - North TX CLC

Our 1980 Fleetwood had the 368 with a 4bbl carburator - no fuel injection, so it had the normal HEI distributor.  To my knowledge, the 1980 368 was not available with EFI.

The information that you are looking for will be avalable in the Service manual.  It will describe each available transmission, and the chassis that it was installed in for that year.  The same information for the distributor will be in the Service Manual.