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G-E mazda 2320 6-8v auto headlamp bulb

Started by Jeff Maltby 4194, November 09, 2006, 10:25:42 AM

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Jeff Maltby 4194

Whats the proper year Cadillac application for these ?

32 & 23 C.P

Thanks in advance.

Jeffo 49er chapter

Bill Ingler CLC 7799

The Cadillac parts book list the 2320 bulb as 32-21CP with a Cad parts number of 110183 and used in a 39-50,60S,61 and 75. I can`t find where it was used in any other years.

Doug Houston

There were several prefocused base headlight bulbs used in the pre-Sealed Beam introduction (1940). There was also the 2330; a 32-32 CP bulb; a 2530 bulb with 50-32 CP, and also, a 2550, with 50-50 CP. No need to say, if you can find any 2550 bulbs for those 36-39 or so cars, and have a good ground for your lights, you can have some pretty good headlights.

Im straining to remember, but I think that the first Sealed beams had 60-50 CP (candle power) bulbs in them.

Jeff Maltby 4194

Thank you Bill and Doug. I bought an Nos box thinking they would fit my 49 coupe foglights of which they look like, less a different-heavier filiment and not having the notch in the base as oem 49 fog lamps.

So I have 1936-1939 cadillac Prefocused head light replacement bulbs here ?

Jeffo 49er chapter :<)

Bill Ingler CLC 7799

Jeff- I think your fog lamps take the same 6 volt bulb as my 47 and that is a 1022, combination turn and fog, used until 53

Jeff Maltby 4194

Bill-1022 32-21 C.P is correct for a 49 foglight lamp. Seems to me all I have to do is notch the base, to match the 49 lamp and they would work just fine ?

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