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1960 shop manual.

Started by Shorty64cad, January 20, 2008, 09:27:27 PM

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Hi Folks,

We have just bought a 1960 Coupe DeVille to add to the fleet and I have been searching for a shop manual to make sure I treat her right.  In doing so, it seems that there is no '60 manual , as such, and that I need to buy a '59 manual and a '60 supplement to cover the difference between these years.  Is that right?  I can't find a '60 anywhere, but there are plenty of '59 books and '60 supplements around.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Greg Short.
Greg Short.  Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Member No. 26803
1969 Eldorado


That is exactly what you need, a '59 Manual with the '60 Supplement.  That is the way they did it for 1960.  There was no separate 1960 Shop Manual. 
1935 Cadillac Sedan resto-mod "Big Red"
1973 Cadillac Caribou - Sold - but still in the family
1950 Jaguar Mark V Saloon resto-mod - Sold
1942 Cadillac 6269 - Sold
1968 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible - Sold
1950 Packard 2dr. Club Sedan
1935 Glenn Pray - Auburn Boattail Speedster, Gen. 2


Thank you very much, Geoff, for confirming that for me.  Much appreciated.


Greg Short.  Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Member No. 26803
1969 Eldorado