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Started by Wayne Womble 12210, August 31, 2008, 08:54:26 PM

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Wayne Womble 12210

Could someone with access, kindly put some pictures in the 2007 GN file?   

Jeff Hansen


It has nothing to do with access.  If someone submits such photos for sharing they'll be included in the gallery.

If anyone has photos from Savannah they would like to share, you can submit them at this link:

If you have a large number of them to share, kindly send me an email by clicking on the email link to the left of this post.

Wayne, you can also view photos from Savannah that have been included on the Long Island Region's and Potomac Region's Web sites:

You can get a whole listing of links to prior Grand National photos at

Jeff Hansen
1941 6019S Sixty Special
1942 7533 Imperial Sedan

Jack McClow CLC #15840

Hi Wayne,

The Potomac Region website has one hundred plus photos from the 2007 Grand National, posted by Vince Taliano, available for viewing and broken down into three categories ........ "Attendees", "Cars", & "Sites".  Use the following link, then scroll down the page about half way to find the event with the date listing of "August 1 thru 4th".

I hope you enjoy the photos.


Wayne Womble 12210

Quote from: Jeff Hansen on August 31, 2008, 10:16:33 PM

It has nothing to do with access.  If someone submits such photos for sharing they'll be included in the gallery.


Alright,  I tried that and it wouldnt bring up the 2007 file.   It only had the year categories and the 2005 GN.

Greg McDonnell


Thanks a million for providing the link to the incredible photos from the '07 GN.  I did not get to attend as I had planned so it was a special treat to get to see the cars that were there!  

Best regards,

Greg McDonnell
Mobile, AL
Greg McDonnell
CLC #20841

Jack McClow CLC #15840

Hi Wayne,

Sorry you weren't able to access the 2007 GN photos with the link I provided.   But I checked and the pictures are all there and waiting for you to view.  Try going to the Potomac Region's website directly: ........ then click on "2007 Pictures", then scroll down to the 8th batch of pictures labeled "2007 Grand National".  Vince Taliano, director of the Potomac region, was a HUGE help to our Peach State region when we put on the Grand National in Savannah last year, and post-event he assembled this terrific grouping of photos to document the entire four days of the event.  Please try to go to where the pictures are permanently stored by going directly through the Potomac Region's website as described above; this route should work just fine for you.


Jack McClow CLC #15840

Hi Wayne,

Were you ever able to get into the Potomac Region website to see the photos?

And Greg, thanks for letting me know you were able to get to where the pictures are stored and view them, and that you enjoyed the show.

The Peach State Region made a DVD of the 2007 event ...... I checked with the director of the region, Stan Tucker, to see if any copies were still available ....... there are.  He's selling the remaining stock at $10 per copy with $1 for shipping ........ it's a 30 minute DVD with bits taken from every day of the event ....... and about a dozen segments of members telling the stories of their cars ....... one segment I found really enjoyable was the one with Lewis Jenkins and his 1955 Coupe DeVille ...... a car he ordered from the factory, has owned ever since, is riding on the orignal tires, and has gone just over 20,000 miles ...... it's an amazing story and one I feel everyone should watch at least once.

To order a DVD of the 2007 Grand National ........ call, e-mail, or write:

Stan Tucker
3273 Misty Forest Way
Marietta, GA   30068


Wayne Womble 12210

I had no problem with those sites. I have gone there many times. I just thought that it would be nice to see something in that blank box for the casual viewer.