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59 Cadillac - How to assemble front fenders?

Started by Dan Eckstein, August 06, 2009, 09:13:06 PM

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Dan Eckstein


The 59 cadillac I am restoring was unassembled when I bought it, and now I am at the point of trying to reassemble the front end.  But I am not sure how it goes together, what parts I need, etc...  I have looked through the parts book I have but it does show the right detail.  I am looking for pictures of the brackets, and bolt down locations.  So if anyone can send me information on how it goes together, I would appreciate it.

Best Regards,

Dan Eckstein
CLC #24850
Thank you for your time,
Dan Eckstein
CLC #24850

Dan Eckstein

Thanks for the reply. I do have those diagrams.  I am looking for actually pictures.  Thanks anyways!
Thank you for your time,
Dan Eckstein
CLC #24850