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Wiring harness for 1953 s62 convertible - Where to find the best product?

Started by johan3848, June 07, 2011, 04:00:59 PM

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I own a very well preserved 1953 series 62 convertible coupe. I am currently performing a restoration of the electrical system, some wires are worn out.

I plan to purchase a complete wiring harness for my 1953 Cadillac.

It is very important the wires look exactly as the original did (factory standard), with correct type of cable connectors, correct type of wires etc, correct length etc. The restoration will end up in a # 1 car, every detail will count and be judged, so I am looking for the best wiring harness available for this particular car.
"Best" means a quality that conforms with 1953 Cadillac factory standard + correct wires and wire connectors, exactly as original.

I have found two resources who offers complete sets for 1953 Cadillac; Coopers vintage parts and USA parts supply. Price is not an issue, I just look for the best product. Are there more suppliers to choose from?
Anyone with experience of replacing wiring harness in a 53 caddy? Where is the best source to buy the wires from?


// Johan Sundstrom 

Jeff Maltby 4194

YnZ's Yesterdays Parts | Auto Wiring Harness | (909)798-1498

Wonderful Product.
Jeffo 49er chapter

CLC 1985
Honda Gold Wing GL1500


Narragansett Reproductions, Rhode Island Wiring, YnZ, etc. are excellent wiring houses and will supply you with a correct harness.  That's their business.  Cooper's and USA buy from these vendors.   Why not deal direct instead of thru a middleman?  Give any of the wiring houses a call to discuss your needs.
Gene Menne
CLC #474