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1941 Cadillac Series 7519

Started by 1941-7523, December 26, 2011, 09:09:42 PM

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Well, I am pretty sure I have lost my mind, but I am having a good time at it so I am okay with that. :) I found a second Series 75 online and decided to buy it. So when my old car and this new car are finished they will be twins (with the exception of jump seats in my old car). I am very excited about this one it has a very low serial number and has a great story behind it. The car is numbers matching with just over 69,000 original miles. This project will be more of an assembly as the previous owner has finished re-chroming all of the parts, purchased all of the rubber (and I mean all), purchasing all replacement engine parts, doing all of the engine machining, replacing all of the suspension and brakes, purchasing new (correct size) tires, and dipping, priming, and completing all of the body work. I have to paint the car, put the engine back together, and work on some interior. So I am very excited, I am going to put my other car on hold until after the new year and began working on this car with the hopes of having one of them done by the end of March next year. I would like to have them both done by the beginning of 2013 as my other car is about half way through with its restoration and the engine is off to the shop for machining and it just needs body and paint and tires. I have all of the rubber for my first car ready to go. Anyway, enough rambling, I will have some pictures of the new one up later tonight and will began a journal of the work that I preform on this car. Kind of a funny note I was given some paperwork from the previous owner and in it was the name of the person who owned this car back in 1982. After doing a little internet research I was able to have a phone conversation with this person who confirmed its original mileage and explained its history as he knew it from before 1982. He was so excited to hear the car was still around and was going to be saved that he dug through some old photos and found a half dozen or so photos of this car in the 70's in addition he found and put in the mail an original shop manual for this car. So I will be able to put it with the original owners manual that came with the car when I picked it up. Here I go rambling again sorry... Many photos to come shortly. Thanks for reading.


Well my sister got a hold of my camera so I have not been able to get my pictures off of it to post on here. I did take some pictures on my phone though. I decided to tackle my medalions today so they will be ready to go once the car is painted. I will post a couple of pics shortly.


And an after shot. Sorry about the poor quality pictures are from my phone.


Here is one with just the steel wool and brass polish no buffing wheel. Sorry the first restored pic looks like the red is missing in spots it is not. That is the reflection of the light on the wet paint.

Andrew Armitage

Andrew Armitage
Plainfield, IL
1941 67 Series
1966 Fleetwood 75 Series
1985 Seville
1991 Eldorado


I finally got my camera back and have some photos of the new car.


Here are some more. My son Tomas earned his keep this day.


Here are some more.


Here are some more.


Here are some more.