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WTB 33 lasalle parts 33-35 hood orn.

Started by cadillackid, January 14, 2012, 05:14:57 AM

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I am looking for interior window trim(wood) for a 345b 5pass sedan. Also a 33 to 35 hood orn., flying goddess,winged lady or spear any of the three will do for a start. Complete and readable manuals orig. or not. Even clear copies. Esp. anything that will help with wood replacement. Radio would probably be pushing my luck and finances      Thank you V. Franklin
V.Franklin, 1933 LaSalle 345c 5pass.,1951 Limo, 1955 Cadillac motorhome, 1955 ElDorado conv.,1956 cadillac custom 1 ton pick-up, 1958 Limo, 2)1967 ElDorado's, 1970 ElDorado,1971 ElDorado conv., 1971 ElDorado cpe, 1972 ElDorado conv., 1973 Coupe de Ville