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need clutch disc 41 caddy 60

Started by mr41cadillac, November 27, 2012, 07:15:11 AM

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looks like i need a clutch disc and throwout bearing for the 41 60 special, who would you recommend ? THANKS JOHN AS WELL if you have any tips


I recently used Fort Wayne Clutch & Driveline in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Great service and very knowledgeable. You can call Kerry at 800 258 8243. They also have a website -     

I know they carry throw out bearings, but, not sure about the clutch disc. Kerry told me they are very hard to find. I ended up sending them my disc as well as my pressure plate which they refurbished and sent back to me.

Hope this helps.

Bob Schwartz
CLC Member #25646
Spokane, WA
1939 Cadillac Series 61 Sedan