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Antenna mast kit

Started by mechanic80, January 14, 2013, 09:19:28 PM

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Does anyone have a part number for the antenna mast with plastic "tail" for a 77 Seville?  Better yet one to sell?

R Schroeder

I'll see if I can help you here.

Group 9.645 is the complete antenna. Under this is ;
77 K ,W/CB radio pt 1612159 Tri-band
77 K, Without CB, pt 1611082

Under parts;
Group 9.647 , I believe these are parts of the antenna.

Ant/with tube , less mounting bracket pt 1613746.  Might be the part you want.
Antenna, electric / less tube , pt1614493.

76/77 without CB, 1613745 Ant,W/Tube elec, ( less mt bracket )

That's all I have for the 77 in my parts books.



R Schroeder

Glad I could help.
If you need anything else just email me.
My email address is in my profile at the left. Just click on my name.