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Fun outing with '72 Eldorado Convertible

Started by Bill Young, December 27, 2014, 11:22:04 PM

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Bill Young

Patti and I went to a gathering of Her Church group today here in North Georgia , it was over 60 degrees today and sunny that means top down with us. My Wife Patti is sitting in the front passenger seat.

Dan LeBlanc

Bill.  I'm sure you must not regret the move to Gainesville.  Being able to drive your old Cadillacs all year must be quite a treat.

I was able to get the Fleetwood out for a short drive yesterday - we had two days of rain and two days of sun so the threat of salt was gone, but I couldn't imagine what it would be like just to get in and go at any time.
Dan LeBlanc
1977 Lincoln Continental Town Car

Bill Young

Dear Art, I can assure you I have not asked for any operations that would change My gender , LoL. Dan, I would reccomend to anyone moving here. I don't regret leaving Rochester , New York at all. Although the weather here is a delight it is the freedom from having too many laws oppressing our Lives, the Love of our Lord by a large part of the population that influences daily Life here enriching overall. However You are correct, if one Loves driving Classic Cars and if You Love Boating , people Boat here almost all year round also.

James Landi

OHHHHHHHHHHHH  my aching springs and level ride pump....( recalling a similar event with a loaded rear end, and a loud shot!)