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Engine...what is painted blue and what is painted black on 55' 331

Started by 55 cadi, January 31, 2015, 11:55:25 PM

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55 cadi


I am trying to finish the painting in my engine compartment and wanted to know if there is somewhere that lists what parts should be painted what......I'm sure there is, I just don't know where to look.

I have a 1955 sedan with 331 engine with A/C and power steering.

I have looked at a few engine compartments and in pictures and see some with same painted parts but not all are the same,   example: breather cap......some painted black, some painted blue on the bottom half and bare on the top, some no paint  ????? What is correct.

A point in the right direction would be great.

Thank you

1955 Cadillac sedan series 62
1966 mustang convertible w/pony PAC, now in Sweden
2005 Cadillac deville


55 cadi

Thank you Joe,

I knew something was out there that would say, just didn't know where to look.
1955 Cadillac sedan series 62
1966 mustang convertible w/pony PAC, now in Sweden
2005 Cadillac deville