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1966 Brougham Unfinished Restoration For Sale in Northern Ca.

Started by Rod Dahlgren #19496, April 05, 2015, 05:03:06 PM

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Rod Dahlgren #19496

This car was sent to me by a body shop for me to "finish". After giving them an estimate and many many months of no action, I told them the car would go outside, I could not take up space inside the shop. That did not jar them into action, so it went outside. UNDER COVER..
YEARS LATER, The released title to me. I transferred it into my name. Clear California title now. What a SHAME, but this happens.
Car had all paint work done in Flamenco Red and interior was all redone in charcoal gray. NO trim and no glass was put back on the car. It had overspray under hood, in cowl, inside doors.. kind of sloppy allowing all the crud to get in everywhere. All the regulators, wiring, vacuum hoses to all the door locks all need to be replaced. LOTS of cleanup and replacement or repair of all the window motors MAYBE..
NOW after years of storage, I am too busy to put it together myself and will let it go. 4500 TAKES it. Body shop told me they had billed about 15,000 for the paint and interior work. Car looks quite complete other than the windshield.
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