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Ideas on what would swap from 60 fleetwood to 60 coupe

Started by speach, November 08, 2015, 10:13:03 PM

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Its looking like I will be picking up this 60 fleetwood parts car and I hope to recondition every part that will work on a 60 coupe that I hope to own in the future. From what I'm reading in my interchange book the suspension, rear end, motor, dash, column, grill, bumpers etc will work fine. Any idea on front window regulators? Or anything else. I guess the roof height makes all the glass not interchange etc


Current cars:
1986 Military Chevrolet Diesel G30 Box Van
1968 Conv DeVille
1989 Toyota SpaceCruiser

You cant take your car with you in the end so drive the dang thing.
